Routing Country to Another Country - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Global Data Router allows for routing of a country to another country including individual basic countries and No Match countries. This "country override" feature can be used at creation of a Name and Address project, or can be applied later from the Global Data Router's country adjustment option. This is useful when you want to process certain country's records using other country's process flow while maintaining the initial country code to identify the country of origin.

For example, if you do not have the Postal Matcher for Venezuela but do have it for Mexico, you can route the record that would be routed to Venezuela to Mexico. In this way, the record would still be marked with a country code of VZ, but would be sent to the MX flow and parsed using the Mexican rules which is similar to Venezuela.


  • The target country templates must be installed to route a country flow to a target country flow.
  • Countries cannot be routed to more than one country flow.
  • Country flows which already include other routed countries cannot be routed.
  • Countries that have two versions of country templates, native encoding (double-byte) and Latin-1 (single byte), cannot be routed to one another. They are China, Greece, Israel, Japan, Korea, Russia, and Taiwan.
  • The Basic Countries process flow (ZZ) are not supported for this function. However, any country identified as a basic country will have the ability to be routed when the Display all countries check box is selected.

There are two ways to route a country:

  • Sending a country to another country.Use this option when you want to send single country to another country or No Match countries. The target country must be one of the selected countries in the project.
Note: You cannot send No Match countries to another country.
  • Including countries in a country. Use this option if you want to include single or multiple countries in another country or No Match countries. You can include any countries for which you have country project templates installed.
Note: You cannot include No Match countries in another country.

To rout a country to another country

  1. In the Create Country Project - Countries window, ensure that you have selected a country or countries for the project and the selected countries are displayed in the Selected Countries list.
    Note: If you want to send to or include individual basic countries, select Display all countries to display all basic countries in the Available Countries list.
  2. Right-click the Name or Code column in the Selected Countries list and do the following:
    • To send the country to another country, select Send To Country. The Send To Country window displays. The list contains only the countries you have selected for the project.
    • To include other countries in the country, select Include Country. The Include Countries window displays. The list contains all available countries installed.

    send or include countries

  3. Select the countries you want to send to or include from the list.
    Note: If you select No Match Countries (xx), on the next window, the Create nomatch output check box will be checked but disabled. If you want to create a No Match flow, you will need to select the Create flow for nomatch output check box and select a country to use for processing unmatched country records from the drop-down list.
  4. Click OK. The routed countries are displayed in the Included Countries column.

    Included countries column

  5. To remove countries that are selected to be sent to or included, right-click the Included Countries column and select Remove Countries. Select countries in the Remove Countries list, and click OK.
  6. Go to the next procedure to select the last process in the project, or configure the Global Data Router.