Regenerating Input Data - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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After creating a project, you can regenerate the input data in the static or dynamic entity in the project.

For a static entity, you regenerate the data to create a sample. For example, if your input entity has one million rows, you can specify a few hundred rows from the source and run the sample in the Control Center while you build the project. Once the project is complete, you can export it to batch and run the full amount of rows.

For a dynamic entity, you regenerate the data to do the following tasks:

  • Load a random percentage of records for sampling.
  • Modify the input attribute lengths.
  • Refresh the data after the source files have been updated.
  • Reload the input data, along with the flat file, to include a lesser or greater number of rows. When you add a dynamic entity to a new or existing project, the maximum number of rows used to generate the associated TSQ flat file is 500.

To regenerate input data

  1. In the Navigation View, click the Projects tab.
  2. Double-click the project with which you want to work. The project opens.
  3. Right-click a dynamic entity and select Regenerate Data. The Regenerate TSQ Input Data window opens.
  4. Select the data quantity options for the data you want to regenerate:
    All Rows Load all of the data rows.
    First [number] rows Load a selected number of rows from the beginning of the file (for example, the first 1000 rows).
    Random [percent] % sample

    Randomly sample a percentage of rows from the file.

    Note: This option is available for a dynamic entity only.
    Note: The random % is the percentage chance of rows being included. Therefore, the actual number of rows loaded may be different for each load of the same file even if you specify the same percentage.
    Skip first [number] rows

    Allows you to specify a starting row for data imports. For example, if your file has 300 rows and you select All Rows and Skip first 99 rows, Trillium will load 201 rows, starting with the 100th row.

  5. If you want to create a new schema to match the regenerated input data, select the Regenerate schema check box.
    Note: If you have previously made any changes to the input schema, it will overwrite any changes.
  6. (Dynamic entity only) Enter a character width for each attribute in the entity. This sets the length of the attribute schema value. For example, if you set all attribute widths to 6, up to 6 characters display for each attribute in a List View. Do one of the following:
    • Enter a number in the Width column for each attribute.
    • Enter a number in the Set all field and click Set all. All fields in the Width column populate with the number.
    Note: You must specify a width number for all attributes.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Monitor the data load progress in the Background Tasks List View.
  9. After the job has finished running, right-click the entity and click Drill down to Quality data. A Data Rows List View displays the regenerated data.