Redefining Attributes by Editing - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can manually edit an output attribute to create sub-attributes. For example, the output schema contains an attribute called Date. You can make each component of the date (month, day, and year) accessible by editing it to create three sub-attributes, each at a different offset.

To redefine an attribute by editing

  1. Right-click the attribute and select Edit. The Edit Output Attribute window displays.
  2. Right-click the Inputs section and select Add or Edit. The Add/Edit Input or Redefinition window displays.
  3. (Optional) Check the Auto adjust 'Max width' box in the Inputs section at the bottom. This option is cleared by default. The Auto adjust 'Max width' option affects your redefinition operation as follows:

    Auto adjust option is off:

    • When you add a sub-attribute to an attribute and the combined length of all the sub-attributes is less than or equal to the length of the parent attribute, the length of the parent attribute will not be changed.
    • When you add a sub-attribute to an attribute and the combined length of all the sub-attributes is greater than the length of the parent attribute, a warning message will appear, asking you whether you want to extend the length of the parent attribute.
    • When you remove a sub-attribute from an attribute, the length of the parent attribute will not be changed.

    Auto adjust option is on:

    • When you add a new sub-attribute to an attribute, the length of the parent attribute will be increased if necessary, to allow for the combined length of all its sub-attributes. The length of the parent attribute will never be reduced when adding sub-attributes, because you may be trying to define a sub-attribute that represents a portion of the parent attribute.
    • When you remove a sub-attribute from an attribute, the length of the parent attribute will be decreased if necessary, so that it equals the combined length of the remaining sub-attributes.
    • The Schema Editor will retain the last known width for a parent attribute when you remove the last of its sub-attributes. This will avoid the possibility of the schema including a zero-length attribute.
    Note: Your selection for the Auto adjust 'Max width' option applies to all schema editing and remains effective until you log out of the Control Center.
  4. Refer to the following table and specify each property. You can Edit and Remove any existing sub-attributes or synonyms. The sub-attributes created by editing are displayed as Type = Attribute in the Inputs section. The sub-attributes created by mapping (drag-and-drop) are displayed as Type = Copy.



    The name of attribute.


    Attribute names must not include any characters that fall outside the Latin1 character set.

    Offset (zero based) The zero-based byte position where the attribute begins.
    Width The length of the attribute in characters.
    Override Encoding

    By default, the sub-attributes will always inherit the encoding from their parent attribute. If you want to change the encoding, check this option. See Encoding (Code Page), Data Types, and Date Format for details.

    Default Value (Optional) The default value for the attribute.
    Comment (Optional) The comments for the attribute.
  5. Click OK.
  6. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the process and select Apply Schema Changes.
  7. When the message box appears, click OK.