Redefining Attributes by Drag-and-Drop - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can drag an attribute from the input schema to an existing attribute in the output schema. This redefines the output attribute, using the name from the input schema. This method can be used when you create a new attribute in the output schema and map one or more attributes from the input to the newly created output attribute. This method can also be used when you have multiple inputs and you need to map them to the single output schema.

Redefine an attribute by drag-and-drop

For example, you have three attributes in the input: Month, Day, and Year. You want to have only one attribute consisting of these attributes in the output. You can create a new output attribute called Date, and then drag and drop Month, Day, and Year to Date to create a redefinition.

To redefine an attribute by drag-and-drop

  1. In the output schema, create a new attribute or select the attribute where the input attribute(s) are mapped to.
  2. Right-click the attribute you created or selected and select Edit. The Edit Output Attribute window displays.
  3. (Optional) Check the Auto adjust 'Max width' box in the Inputs section at the bottom. This option is cleared by default. The Auto adjust 'Max width' option affects your drag-and-drop operation as follows:

    Auto adjust option is off:

    • When you add a sub-attribute to an attribute and the combined length of all the sub-attributes is less than or equal to the length of the parent attribute, the length of the parent attribute will not be changed.
    • When you add a sub-attribute to an attribute and the combined length of all the sub-attributes is greater than the length of the parent attribute, a warning message will appear, asking you whether you want to extend the length of the parent attribute.
    • When you remove a sub-attribute from an attribute, the length of the parent attribute will not be changed.

    Auto adjust option is on:

    • When you add a new sub-attribute to an attribute, the length of the parent attribute will be increased if necessary, to allow for the combined length of all its sub-attributes. The length of the parent attribute will never be reduced when adding sub-attributes, because you may be trying to define a sub-attribute that represents a portion of the parent attribute.
    • When you remove a sub-attribute from an attribute, the length of the parent attribute will be decreased if necessary, so that it equals the combined length of the remaining sub-attributes.
    • The Schema Editor will retain the last known width for a parent attribute when you remove the last of its sub-attributes. This will avoid the possibility of the schema including a zero-length attribute.

    If you select the Auto adjust 'Max width' option, click OK.

    Note: Your selection for the Auto adjust 'Max width' option applies to all schema editing and remains effective until you log out of the Control Center.
  4. Select an attribute from the input schema. You can select multiple attributes by using the Shift or Ctrl key.
  5. Drag each attribute from the input on top of the output attribute. You must position the cursor so that there is a box around the output attribute to which you are mapping this input.
    Note: When an attribute is mapped to an attribute smaller in width, a message box displays. Click Yes to use the new, larger width. Click No to continue using the original smaller width. If you choose to use the original width, the value of the output attribute may be truncated. When mapping output attribute for the Database Write process, if you choose to use the original width, a warning message displays at runtime to inform you that the new width is larger than the original width.
  6. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the process and select Apply Schema Changes.
  7. Click OK in the confirmation message.

Displaying Mapped Sub-Attributes

By default, when you redefine an output attribute by drag-and-drop, the sub-attributes will not be displayed in the attribute selection lists in the Control Center. If you need to display the sub-attributes in the lists, use the following procedure.
Note: Note that this procedure applies only when you use a drag-and-drop method for mapping or redefinition. If you do it by editing an output attribute in the Add/Edit Input or Redefinition window, the sub-attributes are always displayed in the attribute selection lists.

For example, you have two inputs: Input 1 and Input 2. Input 1 has the Name attribute and input 2 has the Customer attribute. By default, the Schema Editor creates an output schema based on the first input (Input 1). So you drag-and-dropped Customer from Input 2 to Name in the output schema. In this case, the mapped sub-attribute, Customer, will not be displayed in the attribute selection lists.

To display mapped sub-attributes

  1. Select one or more attributes which have mappings that are required to be visible in the attribute selection lists.
    Note: It will not be applied to the whole of the output schema unless you select all the attributes.
  2. Right-click and select Advanced > Create Mapping Redefines.

    You will immediately start to see additional entries for the mapped sub-attributes in the attribute selection lists and DDX in the Control Center.

    Note: If the sub-attributes have a name conflict with any other attributes, they are named with a numeric suffix ("__1", "__2", and so on) to prevent ambiguity.