Modifying Attributes - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can modify an existing attribute to accommodate changes to the output data. You can edit one attribute or multiple attributes at a time.

Edit an existing attribute

To edit an existing attribute

  1. In the Schema Editor, right-click the attribute and select Edit.The Edit Output Attribute window displays. Refer to the following table and edit each property.


    Attribute Name

    The name of attribute. Note the following guidelines:

    • Attribute names must not include any characters that fall outside the Latin1 character set.
    • You can only rename an attribute that is not inherited. If a name change is required, you must change it where it was created or you must regenerate the output schema.
    • When you rename an attribute, the renamed attribute will not appear by default in the output data rows in the List View. You need to use the column chooser to add it to the output.
    Internal Name

    The original name of the attribute. This field is read-only. If you rename an attribute, the new name is used in List Views and other displays, but the Control Center always uses the original attribute name in the DDX and STX files.

    Note: You must always use the original attribute name when you are writing conditional logic for advanced Transformer processes, such as the Transformer Label Lines and Transformer Data Reconstruction.
    Note: The Schema Editor automatically adds an underscore prefix to the name of any new attribute whose name starts with a number. For example, "123Att" becomes internally "_123Att."
    Default Value

    (Optional) The default value for the attribute.

    Note: Default values are only applied to new output attributes; they will not overwrite existing input values. Special attention should be paid to quote characters. See Guidelines for Quote Characters.
    Encoding/Type The encoding/type for the attribute. See Encoding (Code Page), Data Types, and Date Format for details.
    Max Width

    The maximum width of the attribute in characters.

    Note: The size of the input and output attributes for the Postal Matcher process cannot be increased.
    Comment (Optional) The comments for the attribute.
    Inputs Specify attribute inputs. For information, see Redefining Attributes.
  2. Click OK
  3. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the process and select Apply Schema Changes.
  4. When the message box appears, click OK.

Edit multiple attributes at once

To edit multiple attributes at once

  1. In the Schema Editor, select all attributes you want to multi-edit.
  2. Right-click one of the highlighted attributes and select Edit. The Attributes Multi-Edit window opens.
  3. Check the box for each property you want to edit. Refer to the following table and edit each property:


    Default Value

    The default value for the attributes.

    Note: Default values are only applied to new output attributes; they will not overwrite existing input values. Special attention should be paid to quote characters. See Guidelines for Quote Characters.

    The encoding/type for the attributes. See Encoding (Code Page), Data Types, and Date Format for details.

    Max Width

    The maximum width of the attributes in characters.

    Note: The size of the input and output attributes for the Postal Matcher process cannot be increased.
    Comment (Optional) The comments for the attributes.
    Set all sub-attributes

    Use this section for editing the sub-attributes.

    Remove all sub-attributes Removes all sub-attributes for the attributes.
    Default Value

    (Optional) The default value for the sub-attributes.

    Note: Default values are only applied to new output attributes; they will not overwrite existing input values. Special attention should be paid to quote characters. See Guidelines for Quote Characters.
    Override encoding The encoding/type for the sub-attributes. See Encoding (Code Page), Data Types, and Date Format for details.
    Offset The zero-based byte position where the sub-attributes begins.
    Width The length of the sub-attributes in characters.
  4. Click OK.
  5. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the process and select Apply Schema Changes.
  6. When the message box appears, click OK.

Modifying Input Attribute Width

The Schema Editor allows you to reduce the width of an input attribute to process. Because the Schema Editor works on the schema for the output data, the width of the input must be shortened in the output schema in the previous process. For example, there may be an attribute that is 150 bytes in the Customer Data parser input but you need to reduce it to 100 bytes. You use the previous Transformer's Schema Editor to reduce the width from 150 in the input to 100 in the output. The following guidelines apply:
  • If an attribute has a sub-attribute that occupies its full width (effectively a synonym) and you reduce the width of the main attribute, then the sub-attribute will have its width reduced by the same amount.
  • If an attribute has multiple sub-attributes whose combined lengths are equal to the full width of the primary attribute, you must shorten the lengths of the sub-attributes before you can shorten the length of the primary attribute.
  • If the original attribute has its width increased, the widths of any sub-attributes do not change.

Guidelines for Quote Characters

Use the guidelines below for various types of quote character processing:
  1. A leading single/double quote character that has a matching character within the value will be treated as a delimiter along with its matched character, and not included in the actual data value.
  2. Any unmatched single/double quote character is treated as a literal.
  3. Matched non-leading single/double quote characters are treated as literals.
  4. Characters following a matched set of leading single/double quote characters are ignored.
  5. If you want matched single/double quote characters to be included, the entire value should be enclosed by quote characters.
    Table 1. Examples - Single Quotes
    Default Value Output


    'AB 'AB 2
    A'B A'B 2
    AB' AB' 2
    'A'B A 1, 4


    'AB' AB 1
    ''AB blank 4 - leading matched single quotes
    AB'' AB'' 3
    ''A'B''' A'B' 5
    Table 2. Examples - Double Quotes
    Default Value Output


    "XY "XY 2
    X"Y X"Y 2
    XY" XY" 2
    "X"Y X 1, 4


    "XY" XY 1
    ""XY blank 4 - leading matched double quotes
    XY"" XY"" 3
    'X''Y''' X''Y'' 5