Specifying Input and Output - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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When you create a project, you specify the input entity for the first process in the project. For example, if you specify "USinput" for the input entity and the first process in the project is the Transformer, runs the Transformer using "USinput" as input. Subsequent processes in the project use output from the previous process so that you do not need to specify each input and output entity. You can specify multiple input entities for the Transformer.

Optionally, you can specify starting record, maximum number of records, sample records and other options to filter or limit the input and output data to suit your business needs. You can also specify debug option. These options are common to all processes unless otherwise stated.

Specify the input data

To specify the input data

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Quality process and select Edit Process.
  2. Click the Input Settings tab.
  3. For Transformer and Sort for Linking processes, if you have multiple inputs, selectthe input entity from the Select Input list. For the Business Data Parser process, select the attribute to be parsed from the list.
  4. (Optional) Enter a numeric value in Start Record. This specifies the row in the input data at which the process will begin.
  5. (Optional) Enter a numeric value in Maximum Records. This specifies the maximum number of rows to process. By default, all rows are processed.
    Note: 0 is not a valid number. If you specify a value of 0 the feature is turned off.
  6. (Optional) Enter a numeric value in Sample every nth row. This specifies that only every Nth row is processed. By default, all rows are processed.
  7. (Optional) Click the Build expression button ( ). The Set Row Filter window opens.
  8. (Optional) Define the criteria or conditions for selecting and/or bypassing rows that will be processed. For information, see Filtering Rows Using Expression Builder.
    Note: When multiple options are specified, records are processed in the following order: Maximum Records, Set Row Filter, Start Record, and Sample Every Nth Row.
  9. (Optional) For the Transformer process, specify the Input Identifier to identify the input entity; for example IN1.
  10. Click Finish.

Specify the output data

To specify the output data

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the process and select Edit Process.
  2. Click the Output Settings tab.
  3. (Optional) Click the Build expression button ( ). The Set Row Filter window opens.
  4. (Optional) Define the criteria or conditions for selecting and/or bypassing rows that will be processed. See Filtering Rows Using Expression Builder.
    Note: Availability of the output row filter depends on the process.
  5. (Optional) Specify the Debug option as needed.
  6. (Optional) Specify a Sample Count number. This controls the reporting increment of the number of records processed count. These counts are written to the process log starting at the specified value. This output allows you to track progress and helps troubleshoot any problems. By default, this field is blank. If no value is entered, no records are written to the log file.
  7. (Optional) For the Transformer process, you can also specify the following options:
    • Control the Source ID and/or Sequence Number generation functions.
    • Enter a numeric value in Maximum records to specify the maximum number of rows to be written to the output.
    • Select Use Legacy Plus Operator to use the plus operator (+) in your expression statements to concatenate multiple arguments (strings, attributes, and integers) with no space between each argument. This option is to be used only for backwards compatibility with Quality projects created in pre-v15 versions of TSS. See Setting Attributes Using Expression Builder for details on how to build expression statements.
    • Select Generate additional delimited file to produce the delimited output. See Delimited File Option for details.
  8. (Optional) For the Customer Data Parser and Business Data Parser processes, if you do not need the parsing exceptions file, clear the Exceptions file not required box. By default, the parsing exceptions file will be generated.
  9. Click Finish.