Using the Analysis Process - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can add a profiling task anywhere in a Quality project by adding an Analysis process. The Analysis process allows you to analyze attributes as part of a Quality process flow in the Control Center and in an exported batch script. The Analysis process is created as a Time Series Analysis project so that you can produce a new generation of output every time that you run the process.

By adding an Analysis process, you can:

  • Analyze attributes in intermediary processes for tuning and testing
  • Perform profiling tasks on the final output entity of the project
  • Monitor the status of output as you build the project

For example, you can add an Analysis process to the output of the Decision Point process to analyze the failing rows. Or you can profile the final output of the project to verify the results of standardization and cleansing. Because an Analysis process does not overwrite the previous output, you can also keep track of the status of output as you make changes to the project and use it as a monitoring tool.


Note the following guidelines:

  • Batch script. When you export a project containing an Analysis process into a batch script, the Analysis process will run as part of the batch execution. You must export the project to the same server where the repository used to create the project is installed. You will be required to enter your user password when the batch job reaches the Analysis process because it needs a valid connection to the repository. If you want the job to be fully automated then you can edit the script so that it includes the password.

    Example of Batch Script:

    call "C:/Program Files/Trillium Software/MBSW/.../bin/mtb_admin.exe"
    -metabase "repository1" -user "user1" -password "tssadmin" -tsgeneration 24
  • Multi-process run. An Analysis process will not run as part of a multi-process run from the Control Center. For example, if you add an Analysis process to your project and then select the project or top process and run it, including its dependents, the Analysis process will not be executed. It must be run separately in the Control Center.
  • Business rules. If you want to run business rules against a Quality output entity, you must first run the entity through the Analysis process. You also have the option to add a Business Rules process to your project to analyze entity business rules in the input data or the output of a Load process.
  • Project Library. Analysis processes cannot be copied to the Library.