Setting Conditions Using Expression Builder - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can set various input and output conditionals for your Quality process rules using the Expression Builder. The default condition is If Always. You can edit this default condition, add multiple conditions, change the order, and also add sub-conditions.

Use this procedure for the following processes:

  • Transformer
  • Business Data Parser (Input Conditional only)
  • File Update
  • Set Selection
Note: Do not use attribute names that share function keywords; for example, Metaphone, Type, and Average. The Expression Builder will recognize these words as functions only. When necessary, change an attribute's name before using it in a conditional.

Set a condition for a rule

To set a condition for a rule

  1. In the Navigation View, expand the Develop project with which you want to work.
  2. Expand Processes.
  3. Right-click a process and select Edit Process. The process editing window opens.
  4. Do one of the following, depending on the type of attributes you want to set:
    • Click the Input Conditionals tab.
    • Click the Output Conditionals tab.

    The Input or Output Transformations window displays.

  5. In the Select Input or Select Output drop-down list, select the name of the input or output data file.
  6. In the left pane, right-click a condition and select one of the following:
    • Edit... to modify the existing conditional
    • Insert > Condition Before... to add a condition before the current condition
    • Insert > Condition After... to add a condition after the current condition
    • Insert > Sub-condition... to add a sub-condition to the current condition

    The Edit Condition window opens.

  7. (Optional) Click RulesLibrary to use an expression from a rule stored in the Business Rules Library. For information about using library business rules, see Using the Business Rules Library in Quality.
  8. In the lower left pane, click Attributes.
  9. In the lower right pane, double-click an available attribute.
  10. Select the operator by clicking a button in the middle or clicking Operators in the lower pane, then selecting an available operator.See Expression Operators for details of each operator.

    Note the following IF operator guidelines:

    • When using the Expression Builder inside a Quality project, do not select "IF" to specify a condition. The "IF" part of the syntax is always generated in the background.
    • Adding multiple IF operators to the top level of a single conditional section is not supported. Include only one top-level IF (head-if) per section.
    • There are a maximum of 100 nested IFs allowed in IF/ELSE conditional statements.
  11. Enter the value after the operator. For example, enter "US" after the equal symbol.
    Note: Literal values must be enclosed with double quotations.
  12. Click OK.

    If you inserted a new condition, it is added to the left pane.

    For more information about Transformer Rules, see Creating Conditional Transformation Rules.

Change the order of a condition

To change the order of a condition

  1. Open the Input or Output Transformations window.
  2. Right-click a condition and select one of the following:
    • Move Up to move the conditional up one position
    • Move Down to Move the conditional down one position
    • Move To Top to move the conditional to the top of the window
    • Move To Bottom to move the conditional to the bottom of the window