Using Library Business Rules in a Quality Project - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can define a row filter or set a condition at any step in a process flow by using the business rules from the library.

To use a library business rule in a Quality project

  1. Select the Develop bar in the Navigation View and click Library.
  2. Expand Business Rules.
  3. Expand Entity Business Rules or Attribute Business Rules and verify the intended business rule.
  4. From the Project tab or Project View, right-click the process with which you want to work and select Edit Process.
  5. You can apply business rules to any row filters and conditions.
    • Filtering input and output rows

    a. Click the Input/Output Settings tab.

    b. Click Rules Library next to the Expression Builder button ( ). You can also click the Expression Builder button and then click Rules Library in the lower left corner of the Expression Builder.

    The library business rule selection window displays.

    • Setting conditions to transformation rules

    a. Click the Input/Output Conditionals tab.

    b. Right-click Filter icon and select Insert > Condition Before/After/Sub-condition. You can also edit the default condition ("Always").

    c. Click Rules Library in the lower left corner of the Expression Builder.

    The library business rule selection window displays.

  6. Select the type of business rule (Entity Business Rule or Attribute Business Rule).
  7. Select the library item. This is the name of the library item you specified in the business rules library.
    Note: Each item in the list displays with its unique object ID number in parentheses; for example, Boston(12). This is helpful when you have multiple items with the same name. (If the ID numbers do not display, activate this feature in the Options window.)
  8. Select the library rule. This is the name of the rule you specified in the business rules library. When you select the rule, the detail of the rule (description, expression, threshold, and row/value) is displayed in the Rule Definition section.
    Note: You can select only one business rule at a time.


    You have an EBR called "Address null check" under the item "Address" in the library. The rule defines that values for the street and city attributes cannot be null. You want to use this to filter the Transformer output. The library business rule selection window would look like this.

  9. Click Select.
  10. In the Copy Rules window, select the attributes to which you will apply the rule in the project. When multiple attributes are used in an EBR, all attributes used in the rule must be mapped.


    In this example, Address 1 is mapped to Address Line 01 and City is mapped to Address Line 04. When you run the Transformer, the null check will be performed against Address Line 01 and Address Line 04 and only rows that satisfy the rule will be generated in the output.

  11. Click Finish. The Expression Builder displays the rule with selected attributes. You can edit the expression directly in here if necessary.
  12. Click OK. Next time you run the process, the business rule will be applied to the attributes specified.