Designating the Survivor Row - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can designate a survivor row from a group of rows linked by a match key. Any row flagged as the survivor is assigned a flag number.

To create a survivor

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Commonizer process and select Edit Process.
  2. After you specify match key levels, click Advanced.
  3. Select the Survivor Rules tab.
  4. Select a rule from the list. Click Add new rule or Delete rule as needed. You can specify up to ten rules of data hierarchy. For example: Rule 1=business, Rule 2=location, Rule 3=contact, and so on.
  5. Select Test attribute that contains information necessary to select a survivor row. This works in conjunction with the next decision routine setting.
    Note: The sequence number attribute cannot be used in the rules.
  6. Select Decision routine. The decision routines define the rules for selecting survivorship.
  7. (Optional) Select No Copy Option as needed. The No Copy Option is available only when the non-blank, non-zero, or non-blank/non-zero option is selected for certain routines. See Non-blank and Non-zero Options for details.
  8. Specify Assigned value. This is a numeric value that will be assigned to the survivor row as a flag.
  9. Specify the Always Create Survivor option. This option determines how the Commonizer handles the survivor when none of the records match the decision routine.
    • Y. The Commonizer creates a survivor. It will set the assigned value in the survivor attribute in the first row of the group, making the first row a survivor. This is the default.
    • N. The Commonizer will not create a survivor. For example, if the decision routine is set to "highest non-blank" and all the values in the test attribute are blank, then it is considered that there is no survivor.
  10. Click Back.