Survivorship and Commonization - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Commonizer allows you to select the best row and copy data across a linked row set after the Relationship Linker process. This process has two functions:

  • Survivorship - Select a user-defined "survivor" row among a group of rows, using survivor selection rules. This function flags a single row at any level, indicating the "best" row of the linked set.
  • Commonization - Copy data in one attribute to other attributes in rows linked by a match key. You can commonize data in an existing attribute or in a new attribute. You can also commonize data sourced from another attribute.

For both functions, you need to specify the Match Key Level first. It specifies the attribute that holds the match key used to group rows for evaluation. For example, rows that were matched together usually have the same LEV1_MATCHED number. Only rows in the same group will be compared and processed.

Note: Input data must be sorted by match keys (such as LEV1_MATCHED) in advance. If you run this process right after the Relationship Linker process, the input is automatically sorted by the match keys. If you run this process separately, be sure to sort the input by match keys. See Sort Utility.


Assume that the best row is determined according to the most recent date in the Last_contact_date attribute. You place an indicator of '1' into the Survivor_flag attribute for the row that has the most recent Last_contact_date. You can commonize the account representative information with the most recent contact date across the set of linked rows, and then identify one account representative per business.

Click any of the following topics to learn more about how to setup and run the Commonizer process.