Specifying Reference Matcher Settings - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Once you have defined the Reference Matcher's process settings, you can specify reference matcher settings.

To specify Reference Matcher settings

  1. Select the Process tab. Click Advanced
  2. Click Reference Matching. The name of the reference entity you have added is displayed.
  3. (Optional) Click Swap Inputs if you want the input entity to become the reference entity and the reference entity to become the input entity.
    Note: Use extreme caution when swapping input files to avoid confusion. You can use this option if you connect the Reference Matcher process to the master entity instead of the input entity by mistake. Before swapping, ensure that reference match keys are properly created for your reference entity (reference_level1_key and reference_level2_key).
  4. (Optional) If you want to select or bypass certain rows, click inside of Reference/master file filterBuild an expression to select or bypass rows in the Expression Builder.
  5. Select the Attribute containing window key from the list.
  6. Select Type of match to write to output file to specify whether passing or suspect keys and patterns are populated to output. Make a selection using the following table:



    Passes (L1 Passes; L2 Passes within L1 Passes)

    Level 1 passes and level 2 passes within level 1 passes. This is default.

    Note: You must specify the attribute containing the existing level 1 pass keys.

    Suspects (L1 Suspects; L2 Suspects within L1 Suspects)

    Level 1 suspects and level 2 suspects within level 1 suspects.

    Note: You must specify the attribute containing the existing level 1 suspect keys.

    Passes and Suspects

    Level 1 passes and level 2 passes within level 1 passes. Level 1 suspects and level 2 suspects within level 1 suspects.

    Note: You must specify the attributes containing the existing level 1 pass and suspect keys.

    Special Passes (L1 Passes; L2 Passes within L1 Passes & Suspects)

    Level 1 passes and level 2 passes within level 1 passes or level 1 suspects.

    Note: You must specify the attribute containing the existing level 1 pass keys.

    Special Suspects (L1 Suspects; L2 Suspects within L1 Passes & Suspects)

    Level 1 suspects and level 2 suspects within level 1 suspects or level 1 passes.

    Note: You must specify the attribute containing the existing level 1 suspect keys.

    Special Passes and Special Suspects

    Level 1 passes and level 2 passes within level 1 passes or level 1 suspects. Level 1 suspect and level 2 suspect with level 1 passes or suspects.

    Note: You must specify the attributes containing the existing level 1 pass and suspect keys.
  7. Select attributes containing the reference match keys in the reference entity. When a match or suspect is found at level 1 or level 2, the values in those attributes are copied and appended to the output rows in the transaction entity. Make a selection using the following table:



    Attribute containing existing level 1 keys

    Attribute in the reference entity that contains reference match keys for passing level 1. The default attribute is reference_level1_key.

    Attribute containing existing level 1 suspect keys

    Attribute in the reference entity that contains reference match keys for suspect level 1.

    Attribute containing existing level 2 keys

    Attribute in the reference entity that contains reference match keys for passing level 2. The default attribute is reference_level2_key.

    Attribute containing existing level 2 suspect keys

    Attribute in the reference entity that contains reference match keys for suspect level 2.

    Note: Attributes for level 1 and level 2 suspect keys are optional and user-defined. They must be populated in your reference entity when setting up the Reference Matcher process. See Creating Reference Match Keys.
  8. Select the Attribute to use as record identifier from the list. This is a user-defined numeric attribute within the input and reference entities. The default attribute is Sequence Number.
  9. (Optional) In Max window size for the reference file, specify a numeric value to limit the size of the match window for the reference entity.
    Note: A value entered here sets the maximum number of records per window for the reference entity only. If you want to limit the size of the match window for the input entity, use the Max window size for transaction file setting (Process > Advanced > Window Sizing).
  10. Click Advanced to display a menu with the following options: