Specifying Reference Matcher Process Settings - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Once you have set up the Reference Matcher process, you can configure the Reference Matcher settings.

To specify Reference Matcher process settings

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Reference Matcher process and select Edit Process.
  2. Click the Process option on the menu.
  3. Click the Attribute containing record type drop-down list and select an attribute. This attribute contains the Consumer/Business flag. The attribute is created by the Transformer or Customer Data Parser, and is used by the Reference Matcher to load records in either the Consumer or the Business linking window. The default attribute is pr_name_form_nn (where nn = 01-10) and valid values are 1 = Consumer, 2 = Business, 3 = Error (consumer/business unknown), Blank = No name present or identified.
    Note: Check the value of pr_name_form_nn and make sure that you specify corresponding consumer or business match rules. Record types "3" and "Blank" are processed as business records; therefore you must specify business match rules to do the matching of those records. If the corresponding match rules are not specified, records will be dropped from the linking window.
  4. Select Attribute containing window key from the list. The Reference Matcher tries to match records in the same window key set within the Consumer or the Business linking window.
  5. (Optional) To override the record type set by the attribute in step 3, select a record type in the Override record type drop-down list.
    • Consumer only. All records are loaded as consumer records.
    • Business only. All records are loaded as business records.
    • Process all non-consumer records as business records. All non-consumer records, records where the pr_name_form_nn value does not equal ‘1,’ are loaded as business records.
    • Process all non-business records as consumer records. All non-business records, records where the pr_name_form_nn value does not equal ‘2,’ ‘3,’ or blank, are loaded as consumer records.
  6. (Optional) If you want to enable linked records to remain in the window for subsequent matching, place a check next to Attempt all matches within window. By default, linked records are not used for subsequent matching. For example, if Row A is linked to Row B, but not to Row C, Row B will not be compared to Row C even if they can be linked.
  7. Click Advanced to display a menu with the following options: