Specifying Mailing Address Line Rules - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Mailing Address Line Rules combine data from various output attributes with optional text to produce a mailing address. You can use Line 1 rule only or combine all three rules depending on your requirements. The Postal Matcher output attributes of Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3, are pr_addr_mail, pr_addr_mail1, and pr_addr_mail2, respectively. This option is available for China, Japan (Standard Postal Matcher), Korea, and Taiwan Postal Matchers. See Default Mailing Address Line Rules.



Note: The attribute names must be surrounded by < >.
Value Description

Attribute name from the Postal Matcher output (PREPOS).

text Any desired text you want to include in the address format. If you want to insert a space between the attributes, enter a space. Optional.
Note: If you use a question mark "?" between the attributes, when the value of attribute 1 is the same as the value of attribute 2, the Postal Matcher will output the value only once to avoid a repeat of the same value.
{<attribute>-<attribute>} Specific set of attributes. These attributes will be included in the output only if the first attribute in { } is not blank. Optional.

Single Address Line

If you want to build a simple one address line, use Mailing Address Line 1 only.


Mailing Address Line 1 rule <pr_level1> <pr_level2> <pr_level3> <pr_area_name> <pr_level4> <pr_house_number>


This writes out the values of pr_level1 and all other attributes one after another with spaces in one line in pr_addr_mail.

  pr_level1 pr_level2 pr_level3 pr_area_name pr_level4 pr_house_number
  广东省 深圳市 南山区 蛇口工业区 工业一路 1号
pr_addr_mail 广东省 深圳市 南山区 蛇口工业区 工业一路 1号

Multiple Address Lines

In some cases, you might want to build address blocks composed of address elements, and then build a mailing address line consisting of those address blocks. In this case, you will need to use Mailing Address Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3.

  1. Specify Mailing Address line 2 rule for the first address block.
  2. Specify Mailing Address line 3 rule for the second address block.
  3. Enter <pr_addr_mail1><pr_addr_mail2> for Mailing Address Line 1 rule. This will concatenate those address blocks and build a mailing address line.


    Mailing Address Line 1 rule <pr_addr_mail1><pr_addr_mail2>
    Mailing Address Line 2 rule <pr_level1>?<pr_level2>
    Mailing Address Line 3 rule <pr_level3><pr_area_name><pr_level4> {<pr_building_name><pr_house_number>}


    In this example, Line 2 creates one address block consisting of pr_level1 and pr_level2 and writes it out to pr_addr_mail1. Line 3 creates another address block consisting of pr_level3 and others and write it out to pr_addr_mail2. Line 1 then combines those values and writes it out to pr_addr_mail.

      pr_level1 pr_level2 pr_level3 pr_area_name pr_level4 pr_building_name pr_house_number
      北京市 北京市 海淀区 上地信息产业基地 信息路 中国大厦 1号
    pr_addr_mail 北京市海淀区上地信息产业基地信息路中国大厦 1号