Specifying GB Postal Matcher Options - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Postal Matcher uses the output from the Sort Utility process as input to this process.  

To specify GB Postal Matcher options

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the gb Postal Matcher process and select Edit Process.
  2. Select the Options tab. The gb Postal Matcher Options window displays.
  3. Specify How streets should be matched to the postal directory. Options are: Exact match required, Match against likely street candidates, and Match against all streets in city.
  4. Specify How exactly addresses should match. Select the options based on the following information. 
    Settings Description

    Standard match process

    Only standard match process is enabled.

    Tighter matching rules

    Activates the following link function: Limits PAF matching to addresses that have the same parsed outbound postcode (first portion of the postal code). Forces failure when there are differences between the inbound postcode data and the street components (such as street type).

    Tightest matching rules

    Implements more stringent PAF linking requirements. Only an exact match (of parsed house number to the PAF record house number) is allowed. For example, 34 will not match to 34B. Also, if an address has parsed sub-building, but matches to a single exact house number PAF and a range address, the exact house number is the primary return.

  5. Click the Data encoding drop-down list and select the encoding used for the input data. The default encoding is Latin1. See Encoding for details.
  6. Select other options based on the information below.
    Settings Description

    Format Option

    When checked, only PAF data is used to populate the postal matcher output area attributes. Otherwise, a blend of parsed attribute data and PAF data is populated into the postal matcher output area attributes. This is useful for vanity names not held on the PAF, such as house names.

    Business Name Match

    When checked, a business name is considered in determining the validity of a street level match. When checked, the parsed business name must match the PAF business name or a Match Level of 4 is returned (even if other address components match).

    Enhance Match Attempt

    When checked, if the input street data fails to match through the standard match process, the system attempts another match after reorganizing the data.

    Display street details in real-time

    (Used only in real-time projects.) When checked, returns up to 500 street names that begin with the same character as the input street. Each street entry can contain up to 50 characters. See Obtaining Street Names and Premise Details and GB Details Buffer Layout.

    Building Name Match

    When checked, a building name is considered in determining the validity of a street level match. The parsed building name must match the PAF building name or a Match Level of 4 is returned (even if other address components match).

    House Number Match

    Controls special linking functions involving house numbers. When checked, it forces a match level 5 return of the transaction if the PAF contains an entry with a house number and no apartment details and another entry contains a house number range with apartment details. This prevents the transaction record from matching to the house number range entry on the PAF.

    Compare Building Name

    When checked, it compares a parsed building name to the PAF building attribute. If the data does not match, then the building name is compared to the organization attribute on the PAF, to attempt to find a match.

    Display detail buffer in real-time

    (Used only in real-time projects.) When checked, returns premise details, such as house information, apartment information, and postal code. Up to 200 entries can be returned, with each entry containing up to 341 characters. See Obtaining Street Names and Premise Details and GB Details Buffer Layout.

    Compare Organization Name

    When checked, it compares a parsed organization name to the organization attribute on the PAF. It is enabled by default. When not checked, the record will match depending on the other address components and the Business Name Match option is ignored.

    Use Postal Extensions

    When checked, the postal extension table (GBEXDATA.tbl) is used to generate the department names and the extended version of the organization names.

    Note: The postal extension table (GBEXDATA.tbl) must be installed to use this option. The postal extension table is included in the GB Global Address Verification (GAV) tables delivered in September 2014 or later.
    Perform additional matching

    When checked, the additional match will be attempted using the postcode and the street name. This option is useful when you assume the input postcode is correct but the other components are incomplete to make a match by the standard match process.