US Dual Address Information Handling - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Dual address information is passed to the US Postal Matcher from the Customer Data Parser using the us_gin area. The following rules describe how a dual address is handled:

Rule 1

If one of the addresses is general delivery, then us_gin_street_name contains the other address, and a 'G' is set in the first position of us_gin_dual_addr_flag.

Rule 2

If one of the addresses is a post office box, then us_gin_street_name contains the other address, and a 'P' is set in the first position of us_gin_dual_addr_flag. The PO box number is also stored, starting at the second position of us_gin_box_number.

Rule 3

If the dual address contains both a general delivery address and a PO box number, then 'PO BOX' is stored in us_gin_street_name, and a 'G' is set in the first position of us_gin_dual_addr_flag.

Rule 4

If the dual address contains both a street name and a rural route, then the street name is stored in us_gin_street_name, and an 'R' is stored in the first position of us_gin_dual_addr_flag. In addition, the route number is stored in us_gin_route_number and the box number is stored in us_gin_box_number.

The following table shows where dual address information is stored:

  Address us_gin_street_name us_gin_dual_addr_flag us_gin_route_number us_gin_box_number
1 street name / general delivery street name G    
2 general delivery / street name street name G    
3 street name / PO box street name P   PO box number
4 PO box / street name street name P   PO box number
5 general delivery / PO box PO box G    
6 PO box / general delivery PO box G    
7 rural route / general delivery rural route G    
8 general delivery / rural route rural route G    
9 rural route / PO box rural route P   PO box number
10 PO box / rural route rural route P   PO box number
11 street name / rural route street name R route number PO box number
12 rural route / street name street name R route number PO box number