Specifying US Census Options - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The US Census options are available to match your address data to US census information. The primary function of the US Census Matcher is to assign census geographic codes (state, county, tract, block group, MCD, place code, latitude, and longitude) to address data. The US Census Matcher uses the internal output of the US Postal Matcher as input to this process. 

See US Census Geocoding for details about coordinate accuracy levels. Also, see Frequently Asked Questions for answers to some of the common questions about the US Census Geocoding.

Note: The US Census directories are optional items you can purchase with the US Postal Matcher. To purchase any of these directories, contact your account representative.

To specify US Census options

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the us Postal Matcher process and select Edit Process.
  2. Select the Options tab.
  3. In the US Postal Matcher Options window, select Include Census Tables. Various Census directories will be used during the execution of the Postal Matcher.
  4. Select your Latitude/Longitude Preference.
    • Zip5 - returns coordinates accurate to the center point (centroid) of the Zip+4 (or Zip5) postal code. Default. If there is no match to the Zip+4 (or Zip5) then a match will be attempted at the Zip Code level.
    • City Centroid - returns coordinates accurate to the center point (centroid) of the city.
  5. To use Address Point Census, select Include Address Point Census. The Address Point Census returns latitude/ longitude coordinates accurate to the premise (house number) in the address (True Rooftop). If not selected, coordinates are calculated based on the interpolation of the house number within the street segment (Interpolated Rooftop). When you select this option, additional directories for Address Point Census will be included during the execution of the Postal Matcher.
  6. Click Finish.