Specifying DPV Options - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Delivery Point Validation (DPV) is a US Postal Service product that validates the accuracy of existing address information, down to the exact physical delivery point. Records that do not pass DPV validation will not receive ZIP + 4 coding if the process is running with CASS processing mode.

Note: Trillium Software's license agreements with the USPS limit the shipment and transfer of DPV, LACSLink, SuiteLink , and RDI product directories to the United States and its territories only. Customers who purchase these product directories from Trillium Software must adhere to the same restriction.

The latest CASS requirements for DPV from the US Postal Service include the following tables:

  • dph.hsa: DPV hash table.
  • dph.hsp: A table of PO Box street addresses. A PBSA address is a street-style address that represents a Post Office Box address. Instead of using "P.O. Box #" as the street address, P.O. Box holders can now use the street address for the post office followed by the box number. For example, "100 Center St #3094,″ 100 Center St being the street address of the post office where P.O. Box 3094 is located. This new table allows users to identify street-style addresses that represent a P.O. BOX.
Note: A return of a carrier route assignment of "777" in the us_gout_carrier_route attribute indicates the input address matched to a PBSA delivery location in the US Postal zip4 directory.
  • dph.hsv: A table of vacant addresses.
  • dph.hsx: A table of known addresses that do not yet receive mail (example: new construction without a mailbox). These addresses are classified by the USPS as "no status" addresses.

Note the following guidelines when working with the DPV options:

  • No Status/Vacant/PO Box Street Address. Only records that have been DPV-confirmed are checked for no status, vacancies and PO Box street addresses.
  • DPV Files Out-of-Date. If DPV processing issues a message "Cannot open DPV. Reason: Database out of date," the DPV files are older than 105 days. According to the USPS requirements, the DPV files must be updated for DPV processing to continue. Contact Precisely Support.
Notes for Pre-v15.5 Projects:

As of v15.5, DPV, LACSLink, SuiteLink, and RDI products became compliant with the new USPS encryption standard. As a result, the US Postal Matcher and these USPS products distributed by Trillium Software have been updated.

  • New USPS product directories. The new set of USPS product directories are available to download and install.
  • Hash table for DPV. The US Postal Matcher no longer uses the segmented 100 DPV hash files (dph.hsa.z00-z99); it uses only one hash file, dph.hsa.
  • Reporting false positive records. There is a new process to report a False Positive File to Customer Support if you encounter an error message. The False Positive File includes any false positive records along with your company’s name and address information. You must specify this information in the Control Center before processing.
  • Fields not returned for callable processing. Certain fields are no longer returned when running the US Postal Matcher in callable mode (API), due to license agreement with the USPS.
  • Updating existing projects. If you have an existing project created in v15.4 or earlier with DPV or DPV/LACSLink invoked, you will need to update the project for the new settings for the False Positive File. Import the project into the Control Center, open the US Postal Matcher process, specify the options for the False Positive Files according to the instructions below, and export the project again. If imported project is using the segmented DPV split hash files (dph.hsa.z01-99), the files will be automatically converted to the full single file (dph.hsa).

For more information about those changes, see the technical bulletin Changes to United States Postal Matcher (TSS Version 15.5) available from the Trillium documentation page of the Precisely Support website.

To specify US DPV options  

  1. In the US Postal Matcher Options window, select the Include DPV Tables box. The DPV options become active.
  2. Enter the following information for the False Positive File. If DPV or LACSLink processing identifies a false positive record, it stops the process and issues an error message "DPV/LACS shutdown has occurred. Please contact Trillium Support." If this happens, you must e-mail the DPV or LACSLink False Positive File to Customer Support. According to the USPS requirements, all False Positive Files must be reviewed by the USPS and cleared to continue the processing. The False Positive File is automatically generated and located in the project's \logs directory. For example, C:\ProgramData\Trillium Software\MBSW\15\Data\metabase\repository1\project1\logs. Once permission is granted by the USPS, Customer Support will issue an Unlock Code to continue the processing.
    Note: You must enter all fields. For your company information, using all capital letters is recommended but you can use mixed case.
    • False Positive File name. File name for the false positive report. The default file names is dpv_false.txt.
    • Company Name. Your company name.
    • Company Street Address. Street address of your company.
    • Company City. City name of your company address.
    • Company State. State name of your company address.
    Note: Use the two-letter abbreviations only such as MA.
    • Company Postal Code. Postal code of your company address.
    Note: Use ZIP + 4 in numerics only. Do not use parentheses or hyphens.
  3. Leave the Unlock Code box blank. If DPV processing encounters an error and issues a "Stop DPV Processing" command, contact Customer Support to obtain the code and re-activate the DPV directories.
  4. (Optional) If you are using the LACSLink, select the Include LACSLink box. See Specifying LACSLink Options for detail.
  5. (Optional) Select the Include DPV Vacant Table box to use the table of vacant addresses (dph.hsv).
  6. (Optional) Select the IncludeDPV No Status Table box to use the table of "no status" addresses (dph.hsx).
  7. (Optional) Select the Include DPV PO Box Street Address Table box to use the table of PO Box street addresses (dph.hsp). When this option is selected, the attribute called us_dpv_pbsa will be added to the output schema.
  8. Click Finish.