Obtaining Street Names and Premise Details - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Note: These features are available only for GB and US project workflows, and are available only in projects that are deployed for real time use.

In certain instances, it can be useful to examine information about potential matches based on street and premise data. You can obtain two types of information about potential matches:

  • A list of streets within the city that begin with the same character as the input street name.
  • A list of details about specific premises on the input street.

To obtain this information, set the Display street details in real-time and/or Display detail buffer in real-time Postal Matcher options. You must also set the real-time project’s run mode to Standard rather than Turbo. See United Kingdom (GB) Details Buffer Layout or United States (US) Details Buffer Layout for the attributes that are included in the details buffer of the GB or US Postal Matcher.

  • The buffer is available only in real-time implementations.
  • To obtain street details for GB projects, you must redefine the GB_DETAILS_BUFFER into multiple buffers, where the size of each buffer is a multiple of 341, and the lengths of the buffers add up to 68,200. Trillium Software recommends defining GB_DETAILS_BUFFER_1 through GB_DETAILS_BUFFER_4, each with a length of 17,050.
  • US details buffer can come back only when you have the following condition fulfilled: Match Level Code is 0,4 or 5 in addition to an exact street name. GB details buffer can come back only when you have the following condition fulfilled: Match Level Code is 0,4,5 or exact postal code in addition to an exact street name. In both cases, you should get the full street information (number, street name, type, etc) for that street.
To obtain street details
  1. In the GB or US Postal Matcher Options window, select the Display street details in real-time check box.
  2. Click Finish.
To obtain premise details
  1. In the GB or US Postal Matcher Options window, select the Display detail buffer in real-time check box.
  2. Click Finish.
To set the run mode
  1. In the Real-Time Project Deployment Manager, click Edit and Generate Project.
  2. Right-click the Base Settings node at the top of the tree view and select Edit.
  3. Select Standard run mode.