You can specify more options to optimize the results of the Postal Matcher.
To specify TW Postal Matcher advanced options
- From the Postal Matcher Options window, click Advanced. The Postal Matcher Process Settings window displays. If you are unable to view the Advanced button, expand the window until the button is displayed.
- In some cases, you might need to build address blocks comprising address elements, and then build a mailing address line consisting of those address blocks. In this case, you need to specify Mailing Address line 1 - 3 rules. See Specifying Mailing Address Line Rules for details.
- Select one of the options from the Control changes list to specify how the Postal Matcher handles Level 1-4 and postcode. See Specifying Control Changes for details.
- Select If no Level 2, use Level 1 as Level 2, or, If no Level 3, use Level 1 as Level 3.
- If you select Search unknown tokens if Level 1/2 does not match postcode, the unknown tokens will be searched for another Level 1 or Level 2 item that matches the postcode.
- If you want to look for a postcode in the address line, select Check address line for postal code.
- Select Pad postal code with leading zeros if you want to prepend zeros and look for matches in the Global Address Verification (GAV) table. If a number is found in the address that has fewer digits than the postal mask, the Postal Matcher prepends zeros to the number until it has the same number of digits as the postal mask, then look it up in the GAV table and see if it matches the Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3.
- If you want to see if Level 2 matches Level 1 as soon as the Level 2 is found, select Check that Level 2 matches Level 1. When this settings is on, if Level 2 does not match the Level 1, the Postal Matcher will look for another Level 2. If this settings is off, it does not check for a match until the other levels are found.
- If you want to search for Level 4 items before searching for Level 3 items, select Look for Level 4 before Level 3.
Click Back to return to the Postal Matcher Options window.