New Postal Code System for Korea - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Effective on August 1, 2015, South Korea’s existing 6-digit postal codes have been replaced with a new set of 5-digit postal codes. As a result, the new Global Address Verification (GAV) tables have changed to the new format and Trillium will convert the 6-digit postal codes to the 5-digit postal codes in order to facilitate a smooth transition. This topic explains how to process Korean addresses in this new format.

The change to the Korean postal code system is part of the transition from the old postal system based on the administrative units such as Eup and Dong to the new postal system based on geographic features such as streets and rivers. The new postal code will be assigned to each State Basic District. The first 3-digits out of 5 represent city or province and the last 2 digits are composed of serial numbers given to districts inside the corresponding geographical location. The main geographical components (province, city/county/district and sub-city) remain unchanged.

Note: Refer to the official website of Korea Post ( for details on the change to the postal code system.
Note: The old Korean GAV tables are no longer supported.
  • You must remove the old table (kr_post_glob.tbl) after installing the new table to use the new 5-digit postal codes.
    • New table: kr_kpos_glob.tbl
    • Old table: kr_post_glob.tbl
  • The Korean Postal Matcher cannot correctly process data if the input data contains a mixture of the old and new formats.

Output Attributes

When you use the new table, you will see the following differences in the output attributes:

  • Postal codes will be updated to the new 5-digit format.
  • The pr_level3 attribute will be blank for major cities. Provinces and other areas will still receive pr_level3 if applicable.
  • Street name will be filled in the pr_level4 attribute.
  • All grid type (block/bunji) attributes will be blank. Those attributes are:
    • pr_block_number
    • pr_block_number_display_full
    • pr_sub_block_number
  • The debug file will look similar to the old format except that the ‘k’ tokens (block numbers) are not included and more level4s are displayed.

Apply the new Korean postal codes

To apply the new Korean postal codes:

  1. Download the new KR tables from Precisely Data Experience.
  2. Install the new Korean table.

    New table name: kr_kpos_glob.tbl

    By default, the tables are installed to C:/Program Files/Trillium Software/MBSW/17/tsq/tables/aptables. If you want to use a different location, follow the instructions in the Trillium DQ Installation Guide.

  3. Start the Control Center.
  4. Open the KR CDP process for your existing project and click Tools > Run Parser Customization. The Parser Customization process runs, and displays a log file when complete.
  5. Click Finish to save the changes to the repository.
  6. Right-click the KR CDP process and select Run. The Customer Data Parser process runs, and displays a log file when complete.
  7. Right-click the KR Postal Matcher process and select Run. The Korean Postal Matcher process runs, and all 6-digit postal codes will be updated to the new 5-digit postal codes.

Directory Browser

The base data fields for Korea displayed in the Directory Browser are determined by the tables installed in the GAV table directory. You will need to remove the old table (kr_post_glob.tbl) to use the new table (kr_kpos_glob.tbl) in the Directory Browser.