Custom Postal Matcher Rules File - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Custom Postal Matcher rules file is a text file that contains rules for changing and adjusting data. It assists the Postal Matcher in matching street information to the GAV table. The Custom Postal Matcher rules file can be used to the following countries: Belgium (BE), France (FR), Malaysia (MY), Netherlands (NL), Portugal (PT), Singapore (SG), Spain (ES), Switzerland (CH), and Luxembourg (LU). See Custom Postal Matcher Sample Rules File.

Rules File Syntax

The following parameters are used to define a subset of keywords that enable the filtering of data. These parameters allow you to define the criteria for selecting and/or bypassing specified data in records.

Rules File Parameters Description


Contains rules to apply to street data. Must be followed by keyword LIST. Example: STREET_MATCH_UPDATES LIST


Contains name of a log file. Must be followed by the keyword LIST.



If Y, street name (on input) is matched to street list on the directory.

- If it is an exact match, the match is returned.

- If the match fails, a candidate key is created for the input street name, and also for each potential street name form the directory.

The keys are then compared in this way:

- If there is a match, the street name link routine is applied, and a score is returned. If that score is equal to or greater than the STREET_SCORE value, the street name match from the directory is returned.

- If the candidate key match fails, a second attempt is made to match the candidate keys using one key element from each candidate key, and the process is repeated.



If DIRECTORY, the rules list in the rules file is applied to the street name returned by the directory. Rules are applied for matching purposes only. If INPUT, the rules list in the rules file is applied to the street name appearing on the input records. Rules are applied for matching purposes only.


The following table describes valid entries for the Custom Postal Matcher rules file.

Keyword Description


str - views the input record as a single string of data (Ex: `AB CD EF').

word (space-delimited) - views input record split into individual words (Ex: `AB' `CD' `EF').


any - perform operations if FLD 1 value is found anywhere in the record.

beg - perform operations if FLD1 value is found at the beginning of the record.

end - perform operations if FLD1 value is found at the end of the record.

mid - perform operations if FLD1 value is found in the middle of the record.

notbeg - perform operations if FLD1 value is not at beginning of the record.

notend - perform operations if FLD1 value is not at beginning of the record.


First - change only first occurrence found of FLD1 (Ex: FLD1='du'). Default.

All - change all occurrences found, for the FLD1 attribute (Ex: FLD1='du').



User-defined values to search for within the input record.

Example: FLD1='(`, FLD2= `' (searches for open parenthesis, then removes them)

Example: FLD1=du, FLD2=de (searches for "du" and changes it to "de")


No - Program makes the change specified in the entry. If no match is found, the program continues to the next rules file entry, but the change made here is not taken. The input record reverts back to the way it was before the change was made.

Yes - Program makes the change specified in the entry. If no match is found, the program continues to the next entry, and the change is carried through to the next entry.

Clean - Program makes the change specified in the entry. If no match is found to the directory, program returns to the original input line. This original line then goes to the next rules entry (the entry that follows the KEEP=CLEAN entry) and the process continues.