Custom Postal Matcher Options - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Custom Postal Matcher Options described here are applied to the following countries: Belgium (BE), France (FR), Malaysia (MY), Netherlands (NL), Portugal (PT), Singapore (SG), Spain (ES), and Switzerland (CH) and Luxembourg (LU). See Custom Postal Matcher - Country-Specific Requirements for valid options and values for each country.

Option Description

Match street to postal directory using:

Specifies how streets should be matched to the GAV table.

Options :

- Exact match (default)

- Likely street candidates

- All streets in city

PO Box/Street priority:

Specifies the priority of address types, when more than one is available on the input buffer.

Note: If the 3rd option (Equal Priority) is set in the pre-V15 version, the Postal Matcher treats it as though it were the 1st option (PO Box gets priority over Street). This is due to the removal of the Equal Priority option from the underlying settings of the Postal Matcher.

Delivery address format:

Specifies the delivery address format.

Match street name using:

Controls the behavior when attempting to match the input street name and components to the GAV table:

Postal directory version:

Select the desired directory version for output. For example, produce output in a specified language, or include accent marks in output. Each country has its own set of version. See Custom Postal Matcher - Directory Version for details.

Note: This option is not available for Luxembourg, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Data encoding:

Specifies the encoding used for the input data. The default encoding is Latin1. See Encoding for details.

Length of post code:

The length of the country postal codes to use in comparisons. Value is 1-15.

Score for successful match:

Score for allowing a pass on a match.

Score for successful street match:

Score for allowing a pass on a street match. Score is based on the average of the street score and the aggregate matching score. The default score if using the Custom Rules file is 90.

Score for successful neighborhood match:

Score for allowing a pass on a neighborhood match.

Score for successful business name match:

Score for allowing a pass on a business name match.

Perform street matching:

When checked, match is performed on street level.

Perform dwelling matching:

When checked, match is performed using unit information.

Perform exact dwelling matching:

Used in conjunction with the Perform dwelling matching option. When both the Perform Dwelling Matching and Perform Exact Dwelling Matching options are checked, the postal matcher matches at the unit level if there is an exact unit match (or range). If the record contains a unit but there is no unit listed in the GAV table, the matcher returns a match if there is an exact house number match.

Note: This setting applies to the Netherlands postal matcher only.

Perform neighborhood matching:

When checked, match is performed using neighborhood information.

Perform province matching:

When checked, match is performed on the province level.

Perform business name matching:

When checked, match is performed on the business name.

Perform street type matching:

When checked, match is performed on the street type.

Perform street direction matching:

When checked, match is performed using street direction information.

Perform post code matching:

When checked, match is performed on the postal code.

Validate address using postal code and house number

When checked, match is performed using the postal code and the house number.

Note: This setting applies to the Netherlands postal matcher only.