Postal Matchers - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Postal Matcher process validates address data by matching your data to country-specific Global Address Verification (GAV) tables. It then standardizes address components to the correct format based on the requirements of the local postal authority.

It performs these functions:

  • Uses postal matching rules that correspond to the postal rules for a given country.
  • Collects lists of possible streets in a city as potential matches for the parsed data.
  • Compares address components of the parsed data to the list of potential matches.
  • Weights the results of the comparisons.
  • Populates the parsed output area with the appropriate result.
  • Generates the standard output attributes (TS attributes).

For example, the United States (US) Postal Matcher compares your address data with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) ZIP +4 database, verifies and corrects data and appends ZIP +4, 5-digit ZIP, and Carrier Route codes. The United Kingdom (GB) Postal Matcher compares the address data with the Royal Mail Postcode Address File and returns database matches.

Generally, the Postal Matchers complete their processes in the following steps:

  1. Collect lists of possible streets and other address elements in a city/town as potential matches for the parsed data.
  2. Compare address components of the data to the possible matches and grades those possible matches.
  3. Weight the results of the comparisons.
  4. Populate the Postal Matching Output area with the result.

    The Postal Matchers offer the following levels of address verification coverage, depending on the country:


    Address is accurate to house number and street verification.

    Metro Premise

    Address is accurate to house number and street verification in urban areas.

    Metro Street Address is accurate to street level in urban areas.
    Postcode Address is accurate to postcode.
    City Address is accurate to the area covered by a city.

    After running the Postal Matchers, the Match Level Codes are generated to identify specific conditions that occur for each record being processed. The match level codes indicate the accuracy of matches between address data and the appropriate Global Address Verification (GAV) table. The match level codes are written to the xx_gout_match_level (where xx = a two-letter country code such as US, CA, and GB) and ts_match_level attributes. You can review these codes to analyze the postal matcher results.

Sorting Requirement

The Postal Matchers use output from the Customer Data Parser process as inputs. To obtain optimum performance, the input to the Postal Matchers must first be sorted in geographic order, using the Sort Utility. Each country template includes the Sort for Postal Matcher process with the default settings for a name and address project. If you need to change the settings, see Setting Up the Sort Utility.
Note: You do not need to sort the input to the Postal Matchers for China (CN), Japan (JP), Korea (KR), or Taiwan (TW).