Correcting Pattern Problems - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Any pattern of data that cannot be completely identified by either the CDP or BDP is written to the exceptions file for review. These 'bad' patterns occur for each parsing process as follows:

  • CDP. Data on a certain line (for example, name or address) cannot be identified.
  • BDP. A business data token (word or phrase) cannot be identified.

You view and correct bad patterns by defining highlighted pattern elements in the Parsing Exceptions Analyzer.

To view and correct pattern problems

  1. Launch the Parser Tuner.
  2. In the Navigation area, expand CDP/BDP Parsing Exceptions Analyzer.
  3. (CDP only) Expand Word/Pattern Problems.
  4. Do one of the following, depending on the Parser:
    • CDP. Click the pattern category you want to review or correct, either Name, Street, Miscellaneous, or Defaulted Business Name.
    • BDP. Click Bad Patterns.

    The Parsing Exceptions Analyzer opens. Bad patterns display in the Pattern column. The number and total percentage of pattern occurrences display in the Frequency column.

    Note: You can sort multiple columns in the Parsing Exceptions Analyzer.
  5. Click the first bad pattern. The Pattern Examples window at the bottom of the screen displays data that corresponds to the bad pattern selected. If the frequency for the pattern is 2, then the data for the two corresponding records is displayed in the Pattern Examples window.
  6. Locate the unknown attribute (in red) and right-click. The Select Attribute window opens, displaying a list of valid attributes. (In the BDP, these are categories defined in the Word Definition Tool or word definition tables.)
  7. Double-click the attribute you want to replace the invalid attribute. The new attribute (in blue italics) replaces the invalid red attribute.
  8. Repeat Steps 5 through 7 for each red attribute, as necessary.
  9. Click Confirm. One of the following occurs:
    • The New Entry window opens, displaying the corrected pattern. Click Apply to save the corrected pattern or Cancel to continue correcting the pattern.
    • A warning window opens, alerting you to the outstanding patterns still to be corrected. Click OK to continue correcting the pattern.
    Note: All attributes must be defined before you can save the corrected pattern.
  10. Repeat the procedure for each bad pattern. After each corrected pattern is applied, the patterns are saved to the Customized Definitions file.