Synonyms - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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A synonym is a shortcut for defining a data element entry (token) with the same value as a another entry. Synonyms are used to correct common spelling errors and standardize data.

Synonyms have the following syntax in the definitions table: 'SYNONYM' SYNONYM='TOKEN', where SYNONYM is the synonym created for the original word or phrase, and TOKEN is the word or phrase for which a synonym is created.

You control whether synonyms are displayed in the Parser output attribute by using the Copy Original Data to Parser Original Output Attributes option setting, as follows:

  • When selected, the original output attribute displays the original data value, not the synonym value.
  • When not selected, the Parser retains the original data unless the word/phrase is a synonym of another word or phrase, and the synonym is stored in the original output attribute.

CDP Example

Say the definitions table contains the following entry:


The Parser knows this entry is a 'TYPE,' with a recode value of "CCAL", and does the following:

  • Puts "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" in the original output field pr_street_type1_original
  • Puts recoded value "CCAL" in the recoded output field pr_ street_type1_recoded

Now a synonym entry is added to use the original definition entry:


The Parser knows that this is a synonym for "CENTRE COMMERCIAL." It places "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" (NOT "CENTRE COMMERC") in the original data output attribute, and places the recoded value of "CCAL" in the recoded data output attribute. This ensures that you have the correct spelling in the entry.

BDP Example

You create synonyms for words and phrases defined in the BDP Word Definitions tool or word definition table. You can also update and add them in the Parser Tuner.

For example, if you define a brand called Helly Hansen, this generates the following entry in the word definitions table: 'HELLY HANSEN' INSERT MISC DEF ATT=BRAND. You can then use the synonyms feature to define HH as a synonym of Helly Hansen. This generates another entry in the table, for example: 'HH' INSERT SYNONYM='HELLY HANSEN'