Specifying Global Data Router Input Attributes - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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When creating a multi-country project, the Project Creation wizard prompts you to identify the attribute that contains the country code. If you do not specify the country code attribute during project creation, or if you add a Global Data Router process to an existing project, there are two options for specifying an attribute or attributes that the Global Data Router uses to identify country of origin. The options are based on the availability of a country code attribute.

  • The data has a country code attribute. You can specify the attribute name for the country code. Optionally, you can specify input attributes as secondary country indicators.
  • The data does not have a country code attribute. You can specify one or more input attributes that contain the country of origin data. For example, you can use attributes such as Country and City. The Global Data Router will inspect all these attributes to identify country of origin. Names and street level address components should not normally be selected as input attributes.

Specify input attributes

To specify input attributes 

  1. From the Navigation View, right-click the Global Data Router process and select Edit process.
  2. Select the Options tab. The Define Global Data Router inputs window displays.
  3. Select attributes from the Input attributes list and click > to add them to the Global Data Router Inputs list. You can select up to ten (10) attributes.
    Note: The order of the input attributes is important. The most effective order is City, State, Postal Code. Data read in this order will result in the highest point score.
  4. Click Advanced for more options. See Specifying Global Data Router Advanced Settings. Otherwise, click Finish.

Remove input attributes

To remove input attributes  

  1. In the Global Data Router Inputs box, click the attribute you want to remove. You can select multiple attributes by using the Shift or Ctrl key.
  2. Click <  to clear the attributes you selected

Move input attributes

To move input attributes 

  1. In the Global Data Router Inputs box, click the attribute you want to move. You can select multiple attributes by using the Shift or Ctrl key.
  2. Click Move Up or Move Down button to move the attributes you selected.

Preview input attributes

To preview input attributes

To preview the actual data, click Postcard after finishing the attribute selection. The actual record data is displayed in a typical postcard format.