Specifying Global Data Router Advanced Settings - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Global Data Router scans input data that contains records from more than one country and identifies the country-specific data. You can specify the following options.

To specify the Global Data Router advanced settings 

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Global Data Router process and select Edit Process.
  2. Select the Options tab.
  3. Click Advanced. The Advanced Settings window displays.
  4. If a country name or country code attribute exists in the input, select the name of the attribute in Country Name/Code Attribute.

    If the data has a country code attribute, you must specify that attribute to identify country of origin. Optionally, you can specify input attributes as secondary country indication.

    Note: The Global Data Router uses the ISO two- or three-character codes. For example, US for the United States, GB for the United Kingdom. See all_country_recode.tbl for a list of country names and country codes. This table is located in C:/Program Files/Trillium Software/MBSW/17/tsq/tables/general_resources.
  5. If a postcode attribute exists in the input, select the name of the attribute in Postcode attribute. Specifying the postcode attribute will help the Router identify the country of origin.
  6. If an e-mail attribute exists in the input, select the name of the attribute in Email Attribute. Specifying the e-mail attribute will help the Router identify the country of origin.
  7. If you specified the postcode attribute and you know where the postcode is located in the address format, select Postcode position. Choices are Left/Right of the city and Left/Right of the state.
  8. To limit the number of records written to the log file, specify numeric value that indicates record count in Write every n records to log file. For example, if you specified 10, every 10th record is written to the log file.
  9. File containing customer rules displays the name of the Customer Rules File. You can edit the rules by copying the file to the client, updating it and then uploading it back again. Use the Copy to Client and Upload buttons to do this. Click Remove to remove the file from the settings.

    The Customer Rules File is a supplement to the Global Rules Table and Country Rules Table. The Customer Rules File uses the same parameters as the Global and Country Rules Tables and allows you to add your own user-defined rules. The rules from the Customer Rules File will be added to the rules from the Global and Country Rules Tables, but they will not overrule the existing ones.

  10. By default, each output has the country ID in uppercase. If you want that in lowercase, place a check next to Output the country ID in lowercase.
  11. By default, the Router maintains control of the file space instead of allocating memory for it. This is called "memory mapping" feature. You can turn this off by selecting Disable memory mapping.
  12. (US only) To use the US auxiliary city file which contains city, state, and postal code information for more accurate routing, select Use auxiliary city file.
  13. The Router looks up the internal Duplicate City Name list that gives the order of the countries if it finds a city name that belongs to multiple countries. For example, "Toronto, CA, US, AU" entry in the list gives priority to Canada for a city named Toronto. To turn off this functionality, select Do not look up Duplicate City Name items.
  14. By default, the Router generates zero byte output files when there are no output rows. Clear Create empty output files for countries with no rows if you do not want to create those files.
  15. Check Use city changes file to use the secondary city lookup table (city changes file). The city changes file specifies characters and words used for enhanced table lookup. The default file is provided and accessed from the Advanced Rules tab. You can customize this file. For more information, see City Changes File. . If you select this option and Extended for the Debug option, you can select a country or countries in the Output City Changes for Selected Countries section to dump the city changes to the debug file.
  16. Once you are satisfied with the settings, click Back.
  17. Click Finish.