Debug Settings for Linking - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can specify the debug option and view the debug information for each process. By default, the debug files will be created in a folder called <repname>\EN where <repname> is the name of your repository and N is the number of the output entity for the process that you are debugging. For example, C:/ProgramData/Trillium Software/.../<repository_name>/E16/25_debug.dbg.

  • You must first turn on the debug option before you can export and view the debug file.
  • The maximum size of debug file is 2GB by default. You can modify this limit by setting the TSQ_MAX_DEBUG environment variable in your batch script. The unit is in bytes. For example, if you want to limit the debug file to a maximum of 1000 bytes, set the variable as follows: Set TSQ_MAX_DEBUG=1000
To set the debug option
  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the process and select Edit Process.
  2. Click the Output Settings tab.
  3. Select Debug Option based on the following table.

    You can use the last three options to generate a report of the window keys. An analysis of window keys can provide insight into why a Relationship Linker or Reference Matcher process may appear to be running slow as extremely large windows can negatively impact performance. Those options allow tuning of the window keys to provide better performance.




Turn debugging mode off.


Turn debugging mode on. Simple debug information such as stack trace is written out.


Turn debugging mode on. Detailed debug information such as dumping variables is written out.

Debug Level 1

Allow debug output to start at a given row, and stop after a given number of rows at Level 1. You must enter the starting row number and the number of rows to be debugged.

Debug Level 2

Allow debug output to start at a given row, and stop after a given number of rows at Level 2. You must enter the starting row number and the number of rows to be debugged.

Analyze window keys without matching

Generate a report of the window keys without performing any linking processing. By default, the top ten window keys along with a count of each key are generated in the debug file. You can specify the maximum number of window keys to be generated in the Number of keys to write field.

Analyze window keys and match (no debug)

Generate a report of the window keys and continue the linking process with no other debug output. By default, the top ten window keys along with a count of each key are generated in the debug file. You can specify the maximum number of window keys to be generated in the Number of keys to write field.

Analyze window keys and match (level 2 debug)

Generate a report of the window keys and continue the linking process with debug output equivalent to level 2 (most detailed). By default, the top ten window keys along with a count of each key are generated in the debug file. You can specify the maximum number of window keys to be generated in the Number of keys to write field.

 To view the debug file

  1. After running the process, from the Navigation or Project View, right-click the process and select Debug > Copy debug files to client. To export the debug file, debug mode must be turned on.
  2. Select a destination folder where you want to export the debug file to.
  3. Click OK. The debug file will be exported to the folder you specified.
  4. Go to the folder and view the debug file.