Specifying Record Criteria - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can select and display records that contain fields matching a specific character or numeric value. For example, you can select records that have either ‘USA’ or ‘CAN’ in the Account_number field, to determine whether the records belong to US or Canadian customers.

To specify criteria for record selection

  1. Display the data in the Data Browser.
  2. Select Tools > Specify Selection Criteria. The Criteria for Selection Viewer opens.
  3. In the Relation section, select Use AND or Use OR.
  4. Optional: Select Match Case to make the selection case sensitive. This option applies to all values in the viewer.
  5. Optional: In the From Record and To fields, enter the range of records you want to search for your specified criteria.
  6. Click the cell in the Field column and choose the field from the drop down list. This is the field that will be checked against the selection criteria.
  7. For the Operation column, make one of the following selections:
    • EQ—Equal to
    • NE—Not equal to
    • GE—Greater than or equal to
    • GT—Greater than
    • LE—Less than or equal to
    • LT—Less than
    • SUB—Contains the substring
    • NSUB—Does not contain the substring
  8. For the Value column, enter the value that you want to set for the selection criteria.
    Note: The criteria will match if the value entered is the same width of the field or shorter than the field width. For example, 'ABC' matches to 'ABC' or 'ABCD.'
  9. If you are searching the value by mask, select Mask. (For example, ‘A’ = alpha characters A-Z. ‘N’ = numbers 0-9.)
  10. Check the Select column to select the criteria. Repeat steps 6 through 10 as needed to specify additional selection criteria.

  11. Click OK. The Selection Viewer window displays the records that match the specified criteria. Your search criteria appears at the top of the window. Records remain in the this window until you change your selection criteria.
    Note: If you close down the Selection Viewer, you can call it back by selecting Browser > Show Selection.
  12. Optional: If you want to save your criteria to a file to access it later, click in the Criteria for Selection Viewer. In the Save window specify the filename and click Save.
    Note: The view file will have the extension of .cra. By default, the file will be saved to the DataBrowser folder in the <install path>/server/metabase/etc. We recommend that you not change this location.
  13. Optional: If you want to open a file you have previously saved, click in the Criteria for Selection Viewer, select the criteria name and click OK.