Browsing a Delimited Data File - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can browse the contents of a delimited file.

To browse data in a delimited file

  1. Select File > Open Delimited File. The Open Delimited File window opens.
  2. In the Delimited Filename field, enter the path and name for the data file, or browse and select the file. Part of the delimited file you selected is displayed in the Sample Data Preview window.
    • A maximum number of lines in the sample data preview window is 500.
    • The default encoding is NOTRANS, the default encoding for the host computer. You can change the encoding by selecting Options > Preferences.

    Data Browser Open Delimited File

  3. In the Delimiters section, select a delimiter used in the file. If the delimiter that you require is not shown, select Other to specify.
    Note: Only the single byte delimiters are supported.
  4. Check the Has Header box if there are field names on the first line. Clear the box if there are no field names on the first line.
  5. Select the Text qualifier. The text qualifier is a character to group text together. For example, if the data contains the value "Edinburg, Texas", then you would select double-quote (") as the qualifier to use to group the string: Edinburg, Texas. Values are: none, single-quote ('), and double-quote (").
  6. Click OK. The Field Selection window opens.
  7. Do one of the following:
    1. To select all fields in the record, click Add All. All fields appear in the Selected Fields list.
    2. To select a particular field or fields, highlight the field in the Field Name list and click Add. The selected fields appear in the Selected Fields list.
    • The order of the fields determines the order in which they display when you browse the records.
    • To find a field quickly, enter the field name in the Search by box and press Enter. The field will be highlighted.
  8. Optional: Use the following buttons to move, delete, load, or save the fields. To clear all fields in the list to start over, click Clear.
    Note: To select multiple fields in the list, press the Shift key and highlight the fields.
    Button Description
    Move up the position of the field(s) in the list.
    Move down the position of the field(s) in the list.
    Delete the field(s) from the list.

    Load a saved view. This button is enabled when there is a saved view.

    1. Click .
    2. In the Customized View window, select the view name and click OK. The fields will be loaded in the Selected Fields window.
    3. Select Display to view the stored fields.
    1. In the Customized View window, select the view name and click OK. The fields will be loaded in the Selected Fields window.
    2. Select Display to view the stored fields.
    1. Select Display to view the stored fields.

    Save the selected fields (called the "view") in a file.

    1. Click .
    2. In the Save window, specify the file name and location.
    1. In the Save window, specify the file name and location.
    Note: The view file will have the extension of .cuv. By default, the file will be saved to the DataBrowser folder in the <install path>/server/metabase/etc. We recommend that you not change this location.
    1. Click Save.
  9. Click Display. The Data Viewer displays the data. Each column represents a field in the data file and each row represents a record.
    Note: You can drag and drop the column headers to move the fields.
  10. Optional: You can change the view by selecting the browse option in the Browse menu. The following views are available:
    • Browse Data on Record Level: The data are displayed by record number. This is the default.
    • Browse Data in Hex: The hex information is displayed for each record.

    You can also display the data by Record Numbers or Byte Offsets. Click either option from the Options menu.

    Note: Offsets are 0-based.
  11. Optional: To view a specific record, enter the record number in the Go to Record field and click Go.
  12. Optional: If changes are made to the file in other editing tools while it is still actively open in the Data Browser, select File > Reload to update the views.