Editing Advanced Rules Files for Customer Data Parser Customer Data Parser (CDP) - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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There are five files that fall into the category of "advanced rules files:"

  • Mask file. Lists the mask characters that define each character in the data value. The default mask file name is maskfile.win/unx.
  • Delimiter control file. The delimiter control file specifies whether or not delimiters are to be included in table lookup. The default delimiter control file is delimit.win/unx. For more information, see About Delimiters Control Files.
  • Character control file. The character control file contains a list of characters to convert to spaces before table lookup. The default character control file is charctl.win/unx.
  • Domains control file. The domains control file contains a list keywords or strings considered to be Internet domains (for example, .com, .org, .net). The default domains control file is TLDomain.tbl. If you want to use the default file, click Use Default File.
  • City changes file. The city changes file specifies characters and words used for enhanced city name table lookup. The default city changes file is city_changes.tbl. For more information, see City Changes File.

You can customize these files. Edited rules file only apply to the current process, so changes you make do not affect other projects or other processes in your workflow.

To edit one of the advanced rules files

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click Customer Data Parser and select Edit Process.
  2. Select the Advanced Rules menu option. The paths and names of the default rules files are displayed in the appropriate fields.
  3. Click Copy to client.
  4. Select a destination folder and click OK.
  5. Go to the destination folder and edit the file using a text editor.
  6. After your changes are complete and saved return to the Advanced Rules window in the Trillium application and click Upload.
  7. Click Finish.

    The default version of the rule file remains intact. A new version, identified by the process number, is saved in the table directory under the project folder (for example, C:/ProgramData/Trillium Software/Data/metabase/<repository_name>/project4/tables/p30_maskfile.win).