Selecting Names to Write - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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By default, the Customer Data Parser is set to generate a separate output record for each name section found in an input record. For example, if an input record includes "Harry Smith" and "Mary Smith," the CDP generates two output records. If you prefer, you can set the CDP to create additional name sections, so that all names in an input record are stored in the same output record.

Note: A name section comprises a number of name-related attributes, including given names, surnames, prefixes, generations, and so on. Not every name section includes all the attributes.

Specifying the names to write is a two-step process:

  • Select the maximum number of name sections you want to write in each record, as well as the number of business and personal name sections you want to write.
  • Modify the output schema to add output attributes for each name section you want to write. For information about adding name sections to the output of CDP, see Adding and Deleting Attributes.
To select names to write in the output record
  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Customer Data Parser process and select Edit Process.
  2. Select the Options menu option.
  3. On the right side of the options window, fill in the following fields:  
    Settings Description

    Max number of names to write:

    Specifies the total number of name sections to write per output row. Valid range is 0-10. Default is 10.

    Total number of business records:

    Specifies the maximum number of business name sections to write per output row. Valid range is 0-10. Default is 10.

    Total number of personal records:

    Specifies the maximum number of personal name sections to write per output row. Valid range is 0-10. Default is 10.

    Max number of input lines in which to look for names:

    Limits the number of original input lines from which to generate names. Valid range is 0-10. Default is 5.

    Business name recognition: Identifies business names.
  1. In the Schema Editor from Customer Data Parser, right-click an output attribute.
  2. SelectAdd Attributes > Name section 0x, where x is a number from 2 through 10. All the output attributes required for each name section are added to the bottom of the attribute list. Name section 01 is in the output schema by default. You must add Name section 02 through 10 (PR_NAME_SECT_01 through PR_NAME_SECT_10) to identify the presence of the associated name segments specified in Step 3, even though the attributes themselves are not actually used.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. To apply the schema changes, go to the Navigation or Project View, right-click the Customer Data Parser process and select Apply Schema Changes.
  5. When the message box appears, click OK.

    When you run the CDP, the process fills in the name sections for each row sequentially. If there are more names than name sections specified, new rows are generated. For example, if there are five names on the input row, and only two name sections are specified on the output row, then three output rows will be written out. The first two names will be written out to the first output row. The third and fourth names will be written out to the second output row, and the fifth name will be written out to the third output row.