Specifying Parser Inputs for Japan - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Japanese Customer Data Parser can take both zenkaku (full-width) and hankaku (half-width) data as input. You must have zenkaku data only in the zenkaku attribute and hankaku data only in the hankaku attribute. Then you can specify whether to parse only zenkaku or hankaku or both.

There are two ways to specify the input for the Japanese Customer Data Parser:

  • Single attribute method. The single attribute method is the traditional way of specifying the input and used by the previous versions. The CDP takes one attribute as input for each of the zenkaku and hankaku data, and parses the attribute based on the line type assigned by the CDP.

    Use this method if any of the following situations applies to you:

    • There is only one attribute, for example a full name attribute, for the Parser input.
    • You are importing a project from the previous version.
    • You have multiple attributes and you will concatenate them to create a new attribute. For example, you have the Last_Name, First_Name, and Business_Name attributes and you concatenate them to a Name attribute.
    • You need to parse both zenkaku and hankaku input attributes by single Parser process run.
  • Standard method. The standard method is the way employed by the Customer Data Parsers for all Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan). The CDP takes up to ten attributes as input for either zenkaku or hankaku data, and parses the attributes based on the line types assigned by the user.

    Use this method if any of the following situations applies to you:

    • You want to use multiple attributes without concatenating them first. For example, you have the Last_Name, First_Name, and Business_Name attributes and you want to use them separately.
    • You want to specify line types instead of having the CDP to assign them. For example, there is no personal name data and you are looking for business names only.


Note the following guidelines when working with the Japanese Customer Data Parser:

  • You cannot process both zenkaku and hankaku attributes at the same time for the standard method.
  • The Parser cannot process the data where Zenkaku and Hankaku are mixed except for spaces. 
  • The input data with null values cannot be processed correctly.