Setting Business Data Parser Options - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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From the BDP Options tab you set options that specify how you want the BDP to handle your data.

Note: All check boxes are pre-selected; if you want the parser to ignore an option, you must clear it.

To set BDP options

  1. From the Navigation or Quality Project View, right-click the Business Data Parser process and select Edit Process. The BDP editing window opens.
  2. Click the Options tab.
  3. Set the following options:
    • Copy original data to Parser "original" output attributes. This option controls how the original data attributes (BP_USERN_DISPLAY) are populated when there is a synonym. When checked, the original input value is copied to the output attribute. When unchecked, the synonym value is copied.
    • When Include unknown tokens in output is checked, the output includes any unrecognized tokens (words). When unchecked, they are omitted.
    • When Populate user attributes with recognized tokens, even if pattern is unknown is checked, BP_USER output attributes populate even if the pattern is not recognized.
    • To retain special characters such as commas (,) and ampersands (&) when the BDP performs a table lookup, check Include special characters in table lookups.
    • Check Turn off conversion of plus signs to ampersands if you do not want the BDP to convert all plus signs (+) to ampersands (&). By default, the BDP converts all plus signs to ampersands.
    • By default, the Customized Definitions table allows entries up to 1000 characters. If needed, specify a larger value (up to 4000 characters) in the Maximum length for user definitions field.
  4. Click Finish to save your settings.