Customizing Output Attributes - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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Before you run the BDP, you can make the following customizations to the output attributes. These procedures are performed in the BDP Schema Editor:

  • Specify meaningful output attribute names by creating synonyms; for example, you could create the synonym Unknown Values for the attribute BP_MISC_DATA. For more information, see Redefining Attributes.
Note: If the word definition table is imported from the Discovery Library or client system, all related BP_USERx attribute names will be automatically replaced with the format of category_RECODE, category, and category_DATA_PRESENT, respectively. For example, if you have a category called "YEAR," the output attribute names will be YEAR_RECODE, YEAR, and YEAR_DATA_PRESENT.
  • Add additional attributes to the output schema. By default, a business data project includes only 50 output attributes (BP_USER1 - BP_USER50) in the output schema. If you define more than 50 categories, you must add additional attributes to the output schema.
  • Delete the output attributes that you are not going to use. This will reduce record length and help increase process performance.
Note: If the word definition table is imported from the Library or client system, you will have the option of removing unused attributes automatically.

To add additional parser attributes to the output schema

  1. In the Schema Editor from Business Data Parser, right-click an output attribute.
  2. Select Add Parser Outputs. The Add User Attribute window opens.
  3. Enter the number of user attributes you are adding. Valid number is 1-450.
    Note: A maximum number of output attributes is 500. 50 of them are provided in the default business data project, so you can add a maximum of 450 attributes in the Schema Editor.
  4. Refer to the following table and specify each property:


    Default value (Optional) The default value for the attribute.
    Encoding/Type The encoding/type for the attribute. The default is NOTRANS. See Encoding (Code Page), Data Types, and Date Format for details.
    Max width The maximum length of the attribute in characters. The default is 100.
    Comment (Optional) The comments for the attribute.
  5. Click Add. New attributes BP_USER51 though BP_USER500, according to the number of attributes specified in Step 3, are added under the currently selected item. If there are multiple items selected or none is selected, the attributes are added to the bottom of the list.
  6. Click Close to exit the window.