Assigning Coordinate Levels to Non US Countries - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Geocoder is a TS Quality address enrichment process that generates a precise address location by assigning geocodes (the exact latitude and longitude coordinates that correspond to a particular address) and appending them to input address data.

Note: This topic describes how Trillium assigns geocodes to addresses for all supported countries outside the United States and includes an overview of geocode coordinate levels. For information about how the US Postal Matcher assigns geocodes to addresses within the United States, see US Census Geocoding.


Trillium creates lookup tables for latitude and longitude assignment using data from mapping suppliers. Trillium receives updates from suppliers every quarter, which helps ensure continuous improvement of the available data.

The level of supplier coverage varies as follows:

  • From country to country: the supplier's data offerings are more advanced in some countries than others.
  • Within each country: suppliers may have more detailed information in major cities and towns than in rural areas and smaller towns.

Geocode Coordinate Levels

The Geocoder returns coordinates at the following levels of accuracy relative to the input address:

Geocode Level


Interpolated Rooftop

Coordinates are interpolated to the premise (house number) specified in the address.

Street Level

Coordinates are accurate to street level.

Postcode Centroid

Coordinates are accurate to the center of a postcode area.

City Centroid

Coordinates are accurate to the center of the area covered by a city.

Region Centroid

Coordinates are accurate to the center of the area covered by a region.

Country Centroid

Coordinates are accurate to the center of the capital city for that country.

Trillium always returns the most precise coordinate possible based on the available reference data from the supplier and the input addresses that you supply. A result code is generated that describes which type of coordinate has been returned.

There is a detailed information below about each level: