About the Directory Browser - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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The Directory Browser allows you to view detailed information about addresses in your postal and geocoding directories. For example, if an address in a record fails verification, you can use the Directory Browser to determine the cause of the mismatch.

You can launch the Directory Browser from the Control Center or from the Start menu. When launched from the Control Center, you can browse the directory for the currently selected country; when launched from the Start menu, you can browse the directories for all countries for which you are licensed.

Geocoding directories are available for all countries. Global Address Verification (GAV) tables are available for the following countries:

In both Postal and Geocoding directories, there are generally three levels to be browsed: City Level, Street Level, and Street Detail, although levels and information in each level vary from country to country.

To run the Directory Browser

  1. Launch the Directory Browser from the Control Center or from the Start menu:
    • From the Control Center, in the Navigation or Project View right-click the xx Postal Matcher (xx = country code) or xx Geocoder process, select Edit Process,select the Tools tab and click Launch Directory Browser.
      Note: For the zz Postal Matcher and zz Geocoder, a list of Basic countries displays. Select the country and click Continue.
    • From the Start menu, select All Programs > Trillium Software > TSS nn > Directory Browser. In the Configuration dialog, from the drop-down list select the country whose directory you want to browse.
  2. Select the browsing type, Postal or Geocoding. The fields displayed vary depending on the browsing type and country:
    • The Postal option is active if a Global Address Verification (GAV) table is available for the selected country. The default path to the GAV table (or, for countries supported by the Global Postal Matcher, to the gaserver.ini file) is displayed; you can browse to an alternate location.
    • The Geocoding option is active for all countries. The default path to the gaserver.ini file is displayed; you can browse to an alternate location.
  3. Optional: If you are using the US Census tables for postal matching, select the location of the census tables.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The City Level window opens. From here, you can search for a particular city and drill-down to the lower level directories. See Using the Directory Browser.