Exporting a Project Definition - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can export Quality projects to be imported into other repositories. Projects are exported to local or server systems as compressed project definition files (.prj).


  • The export process removes entity IDs from project definitions. When you import the project into another repository, new entity IDs are generated.
  • All Quality log and statistics files will be included when a project definition is exported, but they will not be included in the files that are imported.
  • Projects are exported as compressed files with file extensions of .prj. You will select this definition file when you import the project.
  • The server build information for the project is included in the project.xml file in the exported project. To see the information, uncompress the .prj file using a compress/uncompress tool such as Winzip and open the project.xml file in a text editor. The build stamp is displayed in the <server_build> entry.

To export a project definition for import

  1. From the Navigation or Project View, right-click the project and select Export. The Export Project Options window opens.
    Note: If you are exporting from the Projects tab on the Deploy bar, the command is Deploy to Batch (Export).
  2. Click the open/close icon () to expand or collapse an option block in the window.
  3. In the Export Location block of the window, select the local or server file system as the export destination.
    • To export to the local file system, click Browse to select the destination folder or create a new one.
    • If you export to the server file system, the destination folder is always the repository name folder in the server. For example, /export/repository_name/.
    • Only repository administrators can import projects that are exported to the repository server. When the BDT and TS Quality are installed on separate machines, you cannot export a project to the local file system with the original source data. You must export it to the server file system or export without the original source data.
  4. In the Type of Export block, select Export project definition.
  5. (Optional) To include the data from the first entity in the project, select the Include original source data with export check box.
  6. Click Export. A message is displayed, indicating that the files are being copied.
  7. Verify that the project (.prj file) was created in the folder you specified.