Using the DISTANCE Routine - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Inline Quality and Discovery

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Inline Quality and Discovery
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You use the DISTANCE routine to calculate and compare the distance between two (2) points represented by latitude and longitude.

This routine uses the following two sets of modifiers to find matching scores: "KM, MI, NM" and [DIST90] [DIST80] [DIST70] [DIST60] [DIST50]. The "KM, MI, NM" modifiers specify the distance unit. If this modifier is not specified the default is "KM", kilometers. The valid values for this modifier are:

  • KM - kilometers
  • MI - miles
  • NM - nautical miles

The [DIST90] [DIST80] [DIST70] [DIST60] [DIST50]modifiers specify the set of defined values for returning the score.

To run the DISTANCE routine with the Data Comparison Calculator

  1. Select the Compare tab.
  2. Enter latitude and longitude in the Record 1, Field 1 and Field 2 text boxes, and then enter latitude and longitude in the Record 2, Field 1 and Field 2 text boxes.

  3. Click the Encoding drop-down list and select the encoding used in the records.
  4. Select DISTANCE from the Comparison Routines list.
  5. Select one or two modifiers in the Routine Modifiers box. To choose more than one item, hold down the Ctrl key while you make your selections. The following table describes the valid combinations.
    Modifiers Description
    Blank Uses KM and default scoring (exact match = 100, all others = 90)
    KM Uses KM and default scoring (exact match = 100, all others = 90)
    MI Uses MI and default scoring (exact match = 100, all others = 90)
    NM Uses NM and default scoring (exact match = 100, all others = 90)
    [DIST90][DIST80][DIST70][DIST60][DIST50] Uses KM and user-defined values for scoring
    KM;[DIST90][DIST80][DIST70][DIST60][DIST50] Uses KM and user-defined values for scoring
    MI;[DIST90][DIST80][DIST70][DIST60][DIST50] Uses MI and user-defined values for scoring
    NM;[DIST90][DIST80][DIST70][DIST60][DIST50] Uses NM and user-defined values for scoring
    Blank;[DIST90][DIST80][DIST70][DIST60][DIST50] Uses KM and user-defined values for scoring
  6. Enter the values of the score for [DIST90] [DIST80] [DIST70] [DIST60] [DIST50] in the Additional Routine Modifier box. Values can be any user-defined values including decimal notation (for example, [1.5]), but they should be listed in ascending order. See DISTANCE Routine for details on how to specify these values.

  7. Click Compare. The score is displayed in the Score field. If you want to change the values of the modifiers, select Edit Multiple Routine Modifier and manually enter the change in the Routine Modifier box.