Using the City Correction Utility - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - Latest

Inline Quality and Discovery

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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Inline Quality and Discovery
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Note: This utility is available for U.S. projects only.

The City Correction utility compares the City Problem entries in the Parser Exceptions Analyzer file to the entries in the US Parser Auxiliary City Table. A spelling routine is applied to the log file entry for the city and then the program searches for the corrected spelling of the city. Corrections are put into the output file.

To run the city correction utility

  1. Launch the Parser Tuner.
  2. Select City Correction from the Tools menu. The City Correction window opens, with the Configuration tab active.
  3. Fill in the three file name fields as described below.
    • Post Office File: Enter the name and location of the auxiliary city table. (The default location is C:/Program Files/Trillium Software/MBSW/17/tsq/tables/postal_tables/USAUXCIT.len.)
    • Parser Mod File: Enter the name and location of parsed log file with the city problems.
    • Output File: Enter the name and location of the output file where corrected spellings are saved.
  4. In the Low Level Spelling Threshold, enter a two-digit number to indicate the desired threshold level. A lower number means the spelling match is less significant.
  5. Check the options you want to apply to the utility. (Some options are interdependent; if one is not checked, related options are disabled.)
    • Spelling checking is not required for City Name. Check this option to specify that spell checking is NOT required for the city names.
    • Same zip code is not required for spell checking. Check this option to specify that the same ZIP code is not required for spell checking.
    • Stop searching after the first match is found. Check this option to have the system stop searching as soon as the first match is found.
    • Descending order of city name spelling match score.Check this option to have multiple city problem matches to the auxiliary file written to the output file in descending order of the city name spelling match score.
    • Only best city name spelling match. Check this option to have the system write into the output file ONLY the best city name spelling match.
    • Include the city name spelling match score. Check this option to have the system include the city name spelling match score in the output file.
    • Auto-De dupe Result. Check this option if you want the utility to automatically delete duplicates from the result.
  6. Click Run.
  7. Click the Output tab to view the entries you have created.
  8. Cut and paste the appropriate entries into the Customized Dictionary file.