When creating entities described by COBOL copybooks that contain REDEFINES clauses, you have two options:
Ignore all REDEFINES clauses in your COBOL copybooks, or
Represent all data redefinitions (including nested REDEFINES).
To ignore all REDEFINES clauses in a copybook
In the Create Entity Wizard, select the option Redefines: First.
When Trillium encounters a REDEFINES clause, it ignores the REDEFINES clause and retains only the first representation of the data in the copybook.
Example—Results of the Option Redefines First
To represent all REDEFINES clauses in a copybook
In the Create Entity Wizard, select the option Redefines: All.
When Trillium encounters a REDEFINES clause, it removes the REDEFINES clause and keeps both representations of the data in the copybook. The data file is then populated to match the copybook.
Example—Results of the Option Redefines All
The corresponding data file is modified by Trillium to match the copybook. In this example, Trillium will add seven bytes of data to the file to account for the redefinition.