You can base the sort in a List View on the values in multiple columns. This is particularly useful when you have a long list, with duplicate values in some fields. For example, the List View may contain columns for Street Name, City, and State. It might be useful to sort the data first by state, then by city, and finally by street., so that rows that are geographically related are grouped together.
To sort on multiple columns
Right-click any column label.
Select Multi-Column Sort. The Multi-Column Sort window opens.
In the Sort Items By field, specify the following information for the primary sort key:
- Column name
- Direction (ascending or descending)
- Type of sort: by default, the Control Center sorts by value; if you want to sort by data length, select the Sort by Length check box.
- Uniqueness: Select the Unique check box if you want the list to display only rows that contain unique values in this column.
Repeat step 3 for each Then by level of sort you want to apply.
Click OK.