This table lists the output attributes for the JP Postal Matcher Address Code Edition (ACE).
Attribute |
Length |
Description |
pr_abolishment_flag |
1 |
Abolishment flag. It indicates if the address has been abolished.
pr_addr_code_flag |
1 |
Address code flag. It represents the number of address code digits the Postal Matcher obtained from the input address.
pr_addr_mail |
200 |
Standardized kanji address for level 1, level 2, and level 3. |
pr_alias |
50 |
Alias in kanji. Alias is tsusho (common name). |
pr_barcode |
23 |
Bar code. |
pr_barcode_flag | 1 |
Bar code flag. It shows whether bar code information was obtained for the input address. When converted candidate address is a representative postal code (lower 2-digit of the postal code is "00"), no bar code output will be made.
pr_block_number | 16 | Block (chome) number in level 4. |
pr_expiration_date |
8 |
The expired date of the address. |
pr_geocode_fail |
1 |
Postal Matcher Fail Level.
pr_get_new_addr_flag |
1 |
New address flag. It indicates the status of new address.
When the Get New Address setting is on, the Postal Matcher returns 0, 1, or 2. When this setting is off, it always returns 0. |
pr_group_code | 2 |
Address group code.
pr_h_addr_mail | 255 | Standardized kana address for level 1, level 2, and level 3. |
pr_h_alias |
40 |
Alias in kana. Alias is tsusho (common name). |
pr_h_level1 | 8 | Level 1 value in kana. Level 1 is prefecture (todofuken). |
pr_h_level2 | 20 | Level 2 value in kana. Level 2 is city, ward, and county (shikugun). |
pr_h_level3 | 70 | Level 3 value in kana. Level 3 is town and village (choson). |
pr_hourse_number | 12 | House (go) number in level 4. |
pr_input_addr_code |
110 |
Input address code. When the input address has been changed, the old address code is returned in this attribute. Note: This is pr_old_addr_code in
pre-V13.0 JP projects.
pr_input_jis_code |
5 |
JIS address code. Note: This is pr_jis_code in
pre-V13.0 JP projects.
pr_issue_date |
8 |
The issued date of the address. |
pr_jukyo_code |
20 |
Jukyo code. You must select the Get Jukyo Code setting to obtain this value. |
pr_jukyo_code_flag | 1 |
Jukyo code flag.
pr_level1 |
60 |
Level 1 value in kanji. Level 1 is prefecture (todofuken). |
pr_level2 |
90 |
Level 2 value in kanji. Level 2 is city, ward, and county (shikugun). |
pr_level3 |
90 |
Level 3 value in kanji. Level 3 is town and village (choson). |
pr_level4 |
90 |
Level 4 value. Level 4 is remaining geographic elements such as ban, go, apartment name, building name, floor number, unit number, and others (hosoku). |
pr_level4_flag | 1 |
Level 4 flag. Level 4 flag represents whether level 4 was obtained for the input address.
pr_new_addr_code | 10 |
Address code. When the input address has been changed, the latest address code is returned in this attribute. Note: This is pr_addr_code in
pre-V13.0 JP projects.
pr_new_jis_code | 5 |
JIS renewed address code. |
pr_postcode |
7 |
Postal code. |
pr_sub_block_number | 12 | Sub-block (ban) number in level 4. |
pr_update_date |
8 |
The update’s date of the master record. |