The following table lists the CDP output attributes available for Japan. The BNP attributes will store the result of business record separation, and the PNP attributes will store the result of personal record separation. The PNP attributes also store a first name, last name, honorific, and the title of the contact person after the contact name separation in the BNP or the BNP_CLUE process.
When using these attributes, note the following:
- Space: One or more spaces in the input will be converted in the output to one hankaku space (except for pr_pnp_name_display and pr_h_pnp_name_display).
- Attribute Length: The value in the parenthesis in the maximum attribute length is a length for hankaku attribute. If you use the character code that represents hankaku katakana in double-bytes, such as EUC-JP, the maximum attribute length must be doubled.
- Multiple Person Separation: Attributes with the suffix _02 or greater are used for multiple person separation process.
- Exception Status: The CDP generates exception status for each record to highlight specific conditions. Exception statuses are written to the pr_status/pr_h_status attributes.
Attribute |
Max Attribute Length (byte) | Description |
pr_bnp_branch_name pr_h_bnp_branch_name |
100(50) |
Branch name |
pr_bnp_confidence pr_h_bnp_confidence |
4 |
Confidence in BNP (0-0100). BNP confidence provides you with additional information about the business input data. For example, you can determine whether the business name includes business type and the business type is suffix. |
pr_bnp_name pr_h_bnp_name |
150(75) |
Business name |
pr_bnp_namep pr_h_bnp_namep |
150(75) |
Business principal name |
pr_bnp_namer pr_h_bnp_namer |
150(75) |
Business name reading |
pr_bnp_orig_display pr_h_bnp_orig_display |
150(75) |
Input text |
pr_bnp_type pr_h_bnp_type |
40(20) |
Business type |
pr_bnp_type_position pr_h_bnp_type_position |
(1) |
Flag indicating a position of business type.
pr_bnp_typep pr_h_bnp_typep |
Business principal type |
pr_contact_mask_final pr_h_contact_mask_final |
20 |
Mask pattern obtained after conversion by mask tables (when contact separation is used). |
pr_contact_mask_orig pr_h_contact_mask_orig |
20 |
Mask pattern obtained after the tokens are separated for contact name in the branch name attribute (when contact separation is used). |
pr_mask_final pr_h_mask_final |
20 |
Final mask pattern, which is obtained after conversion by mask tables (when contact separation is not used). |
pr_mask_logic pr_h_mask_logic |
2 |
Status from the token separation by logic without using mask tables. 00 - mask tables used 14 - There is no hit pattern in the mask table (jp_bnp_mask.txt) and all text is written out to the business name attribute. 15 - There is a hit pattern in the mask table but the mask pattern is invalid. All text is written out to the business name attribute. 16 - E token separation. The text before E token (including E token) is considered to be a business name, and the text after the E token is written out as a branch name. When there are multiple E tokens, the last E token takes priority. 17 - T token separation. The text before T token (business type suffix) is written out as a business name, and the text after the T token is written out as a branch name. The T token is written out as a business type. 18 - N token separation. N token match is written out as a business name, and the text after the N token is written out as a branch name. |
pr_mask_orig pr_h_mask_orig |
20 |
Original mask pattern, which is obtained just after the input string is separated into tokens (when contact separation is not used). |
pr_pnp_confidence pr_h_pnp_confidence |
4 |
Confidence in PNP (0-0100). PNP confidence provides you with additional information about the personal input data. For example, you can determine whether the first and last names matched the entries in the name dictionary and the full name is separated with space. |
pr_pnp_first_nn pr_h_pnp_first_nn (nn=01-05) |
16 (12) |
Output attribute used to store personal first name (for example, given name). |
pr_pnp_honorific_nn pr_h_pnp_honorific_nn (nn=01-05) |
16 (8) |
Honorific. |
pr_pnp_last_nn pr_h_pnp_last_nn (nn=01-05) |
16 (12) |
Output attribute used to store personal last name (for example, surname, family name). |
pr_pnp_name_display pr_h_pnp_name_display |
40 (20) |
Input text |
pr_pnp_position_nn pr_h_pnp_position_nn (nn=01-05) |
60 (30) |
Output attribute used to store title (position). |
pr_pnp_rfirst_nn (nn=01-05) |
8 |
Reading of the first name in hankaku katakana. When a reading is not found, the value for pr_pnp_first_nn will be stored in this attribute. |
pr_pnp_rlast_nn (nn=01-05) |
8 |
Reading of the last name in hankaku katakana. When a reading is not found, the value for pr_pnp_last_nn will be stored in this attribute. |
pr_return pr_h_return |
1 |
Personal/business classification. 0 - input attribute is blank 1 - personal 2 - business |
pr_status pr_h_status |
2 |
Exception status. 00 - No specific condition occurred. (All mode) 20 - No input string found (including comments deleted). (All mode) 22 - Unknown token found in the final mask. (All mode) 30 - Multiple business types found. (BNP, Clue mode) 31 - Only business type found. (BNP, Clue mode) 32 - The record consists of branch name or branch name suffix only. (BNP, Clue mode) 33 - All parsed string is in alphabet with word delimiter, and no business clue found. (BNP, Clue mode)Word separation : spaces between characters, and characters set for PNP_DELIMITER. 34 - All parsed string is in katakana with word delimiter, and no business clue found. (BNP, Clue mode) 35 - All parsed string is in hiragana with word delimiter, and no business clue found. (BNP, Clue mode) 36 - Multiple words (space delimited) in kanji and no business clue found. (BNP, Clue mode) 40 - Single person mode is ON and more than two words found. (PNP mode) |