How to View Datatypes - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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You can find data types for an attribute in the following ways:

  • View datatype metadata for a particular attribute
  • View the Structural Summary for an attribute, which includes datatype distribution and count metadata
  • View all attribute values and corresponding data rows for a datatype

There are two kinds of datatypes calculated automatically when you import data:

  • Inferred. Datatype derived from the full volume of data in the attribute.
  • Target. A reference of how the datatypes in the target (or current) attribute should look based on your actual data.

View Datatypes for an Attribute

To view datatypes for an attribute

  1. In the Navigation View, click the Discover bar, then click the Entities tab.
  2. Expand the entity with which you want to work.
  3. Double-click an attribute.

    The Entity Member Attribute List View opens.

  4. Locate the metadata Decimals, Integers, or Strings.

    The count of distinct values that correspond to each datatype is displayed in the Value column.

  5. Locate the metadata Dec Dist %, Integer Dist %, and String Dist %.

    The percentage of the attribute that contains that datatype is displayed in the Value column.

View the Structural Summary for an Attribute

To view the Structural Summary for an attribute

  1. In the Navigation View, click the attribute with which you want to view datatype information.

    The Summary Data View opens for the selected attribute.

  2. Click the Structural Summary tab.

    The Datatype Distribution pie chart shows the graphical representation of Strings, Decimal, and Integer datatype distribution for the selected attribute.

  3. Expand the Attribute Structural Details and Attribute Datatype Distribution Details sections to show information about datatype count, length, distribution, and whether the datatypes are Target, Inferred, or both.

List Values and Corresponding Data Rows for a Datatype

To list values and corresponding data rows for a datatype

  1. In the Navigation View, locate the attribute with which you want to work.
  2. Double-click the attribute.

    The Entity Member Attribute List View opens.

  3. Double-click either the Decimals, Integers, or Strings row.

    The List View for that value opens, displaying distinct values that correspond to the selected data type.

  4. To examine rows containing values of a specific datatype, highlight one or more rows.
  5. Right-click and select Drill down to matching rows.

    All rows that contain values of the selected datatype display in the List View.