A value range identifies those values which belong to a group of accepted values for an attribute. For example, a value range for the attribute Teenager would be a numeric value within the value range of 13 to 19. Value ranges can also be designated sets of values; for example, the days of the week, months, and date and time formats.
To discover the data value range for an attribute
From the Navigation View, find and expand the attribute in which you are interested.
Double-click the attribute to open a List View that shows you:
- How many distinct values exist.
- Which value is the longest and which is the shortest.
- The length of the minimum and maximum values.
Right-click the Values row and select Drill down to values.
The Values List View opens.
Examine the Values List View for data about value rows in which you are interested.
Right-click any value and select Drill down to matching rows.
Data rows for that value display.
To enforce data value ranges and verify compliance for an attribute, you can enable the Range Check ABR. This ABR checks attribute values against a range that you specify; enter the range values and then specify the percentage threshold of rows or values that must pass the check.