Examining Minimum and Maximum Attribute Values - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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An attribute contains a range of values for which there is a minimum and maximum value. You discover the value range by examining the metadata for the attribute in which you are interested.

To examine the minimum and maximum values for an attribute

  1. In the Navigation View, click the Discover bar, then click the Entities tab.
  2. Expand an entity folder.
  3. Right-click an attribute and select Drill down to metadata. (You can also open an attribute's Summary Data View and click Attribute Metadata.)

    The attribute's metadata List View displays. In the Metadata column, note these statistics:

    • Min—Minimum value of the attribute.
    • Max—Maximum value of the attribute.

    The values in the Value column for Min and Max show the minimum and maximum values found in the attribute.

Drilling Down to More Views

You can drill down on each of the above statistics to see how often a value occurs in an attribute. Drill down further and discover which rows contain the minimum or maximum value. 

To drill down to discover how often a value occurs

  1. Double-click the Min or Max attribute metadata rows.

    The List View shows all corresponding attribute values.

  2. Find the Frequency column. The value in this column indicates how many times the selected Min or Max value occurs in the attribute.

Drill down to discover all rows with the Min or Max value

To drill down to discover all rows with the Min or Max value

  1. Double-click the Min or Max attribute metadata rows.

    The List View shows all corresponding attribute values.

  2. Select one or more rows.
  3. Right-click and select Drill down to matching rows.

    All rows that contain the selected Min or Max value displays.