When examining soundexes, you can choose to go through every soundex listed for an attribute or only those soundexes that look suspicious.
You may find that you first need to examine entity rows and understand the context of a value before you can determine whether a value is correct or not.
Note: Soundexes are not available for numeric values and non-ASCII encoded data.
Examine soundexes
To examine soundexes
List Soundex Values
To list soundex values
Examine Suspicious Soundexes
To examine suspicious soundexes
Examine Matching Rows
To examine matching rows
By looking at matching rows, you can discover misspellings, different name or value conventions, typing errors, and other inconsistencies in attribute values.
- In the Values List View for a soundex, sort by Value to group all values that have the same soundex code.
- Select the rows you want to investigate by highlighting them.
- Right-click the selection and select Drill down to matching rows.
- Examine the rows that match the values you selected.