More on Default, Rich and Long Patterns - trillium_discovery - trillium_quality - 17.2

Trillium Control Center

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A pattern is a coded value which describes the shape of a data value. This topic describes each pattern type and gives examples of how they are used.

Pattern Example

The value Jane Smith has the pattern a4_a5, and the value 04/15/2010 has the value d2Sd2Sd4. The Jane Smith value shares the a4_a5 pattern with any two-word phrase that is separated by a space (represented by an underscore), the first word consisting of four alphabetic characters, and the second word consisting of five alphabetic characters. The date pattern d2Sd2Sd4 is a pattern for any date which uses the format mm/dd/yyyy.

Pattern Types

A repository administrator configures patterns to be one of three of the following types for all data in a repository:

  • Default
  • Rich
  • Long
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Turkish
Note: The codes and examples shown for Default also apply to the Greek, Hebrew, and Turkish patterns.


The default pattern code type uses a short-hand notation to describe the shape of a value. This pattern is useful for identifying the shapes of names, addresses, dates, and simple numbers, such as post codes. This pattern style does not distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters.


The rich pattern code uses a short-hand notation to describe the shape of a value. It is useful for identifying the shapes of names, addresses, dates, currency, and simple numeric values that include plus (+) or minus (-) signs. This pattern style distinguishes between upper- and lowercase letters.


The long pattern code uses a long-hand notation that identifies a character as either alphabetic (alpha) or numeric (digit), and displays all other characters exactly as they display in the value. For example, Jane Smith is represented as aaaa aaaaa, but $440.40 is represented as $nnn.nn.